Niagara IceDogs vs Gwinnett Gladiators

Created - Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 11:08

1 2 3 T
Niagara IceDogs 0 3 3 6
Gwinnett Gladiators 1 2 2 5
1 2 3 T
Niagara IceDogs 5 11 14 30
Gwinnett Gladiators 7 15 12 34

1st period

1. Gwinnett Gladiators , Eric Robinson 1 (Alex Chiasson 3, Alan Quine 2) at 19:21

Penalties :
Riley Barber (GWG) for Hooking (Minor) at 3:30, Taylor Fedun (NID) for Roughing (Minor) at 7:17, Dysin Mayo (GWG) for Holding (Minor) at 10:21, Alan Quine (GWG) for Roughing (Minor) at 12:57

2nd period

2. Niagara IceDogs , Darren Archibald 1 (Justin Dowling 3, Jake Evans 1) at 0:32
3. Niagara IceDogs , Darren Archibald 2 (Justin Dowling 4, Jake Evans 2) at 8:22 (PP)
4. Gwinnett Gladiators , Kenny Agostino 3 (Brandon Manning 2, Maxime Lajoie 2) at 11:31
5. Niagara IceDogs , Gabriel Bourque 6 (Brian Lashoff 2) at 14:32 (PP)
6. Gwinnett Gladiators , Maxime Lajoie 1 (Blake Lizotte 2, Kenny Agostino 4) at 15:25 (PP)

Penalties :
Blake Lizotte (GWG) for Tripping (Minor) at 1:59, Kenny Agostino (GWG) for Hooking (Minor) at 8:08, Brandon Manning (GWG) for Fighting (Major) at 14:16, Chris Mueller (NID) for Fighting (Major) at 14:16, Brandon Manning (GWG) for instigated a fight (Minor) at 14:16, Brandon Manning (GWG) for instigated a fight (10 Minutes Misconduct) at 14:16, Matt Read (NID) for Goalie Interference (Minor) at 14:51, Brian Lashoff (NID) for Hooking (Minor) at 15:37

3rd period

7. Niagara IceDogs , Chris Mueller 2 (Gabriel Bourque 2, Matt Read 3) at 2:38 (PP)
8. Gwinnett Gladiators , Alan Quine 2 (Alex Chiasson 4, Riley Barber 1) at 7:53
9. Gwinnett Gladiators , Alan Quine 3 (Alex Chiasson 5) at 8:33 (PP)
10. Niagara IceDogs , Zach Senyshyn 1 (Anthony Angello 1, Ryan Stanton 1) at 12:29
11. Niagara IceDogs , Zach Senyshyn 2 (Anthony Angello 2, Brett Sutter 1) at 17:41

Penalties :
Dan Renouf (GWG) for Holding (Minor) at 2:22, Brian Lashoff (NID) for High sticking (Minor) at 8:04

Goalie Stats

Michael Dipietro (NID), 29 saves from 34 shots - (0.853), W, 3-0-1, 60:00 minutes
Jon Gillies (GWG), 24 saves from 30 shots - (0.800), L, 1-2-1, 59:25 minutes

Players Stats for Niagara IceDogs

Player Name              G  A  P  +/- PIM S  H  SB GA TA FO     MP     PP MP  PK MP  
Anthony Angello          0  2  2   0  0   2  0  0  0  0  0/1     7:12   0:00   0:00 
Brett Sutter             0  1  1   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/1     8:36   0:00   1:24 
Brian Lashoff            0  1  1   2  4   3  1  0  0  0  0/0    27:33   4:19   1:48 
Chris Mueller            1  0  1  -1  5   5  0  1  0  0  15/34  20:46   4:23   1:26 
Colin Campbell           0  0  0   0  0   1  1  0  0  1  5/10   12:42   0:16   0:00 
Dalton Prout             0  0  0  -1  0   2  2  0  1  1  0/0    21:01   4:23   1:40 
Darren Archibald         2  0  2   1  0   3  0  0  0  0  0/0    16:11   4:03   0:33 
Gabriel Bourque          1  1  2  -1  0   3  1  1  2  0  1/2    22:52   4:39   2:02 
Jake Evans               0  2  2   1  0   0  1  0  0  1  1/1    15:38   4:03   0:00 
Justin Dowling           0  2  2   1  0   0  3  1  0  0  4/11   15:38   4:03   0:00 
Laurent Dauphin          0  0  0   0  0   2  2  0  0  1  0/3    13:19   0:00   1:54 
Matt Bartkowski          0  0  0  -1  0   0  1  0  0  0  0/0    10:09   0:00   0:18 
Matt Read                0  1  1  -1  2   3  2  1  1  0  1/3    23:26   4:39   2:43 
Ryan Stanton             0  1  1  -1  0   1  0  0  0  1  0/0    12:35   0:00   2:33 
Steve Bernier            0  0  0   0  0   2  3  2  0  0  1/1    11:19   0:00   0:00 
Steven Kampfer           0  0  0  -1  0   0  0  2  0  1  0/0    20:34   4:23   1:13 
Taylor Fedun             0  0  0   2  2   0  0  0  0  0  0/0    28:11   4:19   2:30 
Zach Senyshyn            2  0  2   0  0   3  0  0  1  0  0/0     7:12   0:00   0:00 

Players Stats for Gwinnett Gladiators

Player Name              G  A  P  +/- PIM S  H  SB GA TA FO     MP     PP MP  PK MP  
Alan Quine               2  1  3   0  2   3  3  0  1  0  11/17  15:17   1:53   0:00 
Alex Chiasson            0  3  3   0  0   3  1  0  1  0  0/0    14:32   1:53   0:00 
Blake Lizotte            0  1  1   0  2   3  2  1  2  0  18/32  22:11   3:08   0:00 
Brandon Manning          0  1  1   0  17  1  1  1  1  0  0/0    20:23   1:06   4:18 
Dan Renouf               0  0  0  -1  2   2  3  2  0  1  0/0    22:54   3:42   1:00 
Dysin Mayo               0  0  0   0  2   2  3  1  0  0  0/0    31:48   3:42   3:24 
Eric Robinson            1  0  1   0  0   1  0  1  0  1  0/0    14:32   1:53   0:00 
Evan Rodrigues           0  0  0   0  0   5  1  0  0  0  0/0    10:26   0:00   0:51 
Gabriel Gagne            0  0  0   0  0   4  0  1  0  0  0/0     9:44   0:00   4:54 
Gaetan Haas              0  0  0   0  0   0  2  0  1  0  1/1     7:40   0:00   2:50 
Guillaume Brisebois      0  0  0   0  0   0  4  0  0  2  0/0    14:34   0:13   3:53 
Kenny Agostino           1  1  2   0  2   1  1  0  0  0  0/1    22:11   3:08   0:00 
Kyle Rau                 0  0  0   0  0   1  1  2  0  0  8/14   14:45   0:00   5:01 
Maxime Lajoie            1  1  2   1  0   3  0  2  0  0  0/0    29:18   1:19   4:49 
Riley Barber             0  1  1   0  2   0  3  0  0  0  1/1    11:01   0:00   0:55 
Stefan Noesen            0  0  0   0  0   2  3  1  0  0  0/1    22:15   3:08   0:03 
Tyler Benson             0  0  0   0  0   3  1  1  0  1  0/0     7:40   0:00   2:50 
Unknown Player           0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:00   0:00   0:00 

3 Stars

1 - Alan Quine (GWG)
2 - Darren Archibald (NID)
3 - Zach Senyshyn (NID)

Power Play

Niagara IceDogs - 3 on 7 Attempt(s) - 42.86%
Gwinnett Gladiators - 2 on 4 Attempt(s) - 50.00%

Penalty Kill

Niagara IceDogs - 2 on 4 Attempt(s) - 50.00% - Score 0 goal in Penalty Kill
Gwinnett Gladiators - 4 on 7 Attempt(s) - 57.14% - Score 0 goal in Penalty Kill

Team Stat

Niagara IceDogs - Hits : 17 - Faceoff Wins : 28 - Blocked Shots : 8 - Penalty Minutes : 13
Gwinnett Gladiators - Hits : 29 - Faceoff Wins : 39 - Blocked Shots : 13 - Penalty Minutes : 29


Referees : Kendrick Nicholson and Mike Hasenfratz
Linesman : Scott Cherrey and Tony Sericolo

Game Notes

Brandon Manning and Chris Mueller fight to a draw at 14:16 of 2nd period

Niagara IceDogs

5 vs 5 Forward 
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Chris Mueller            Matt Read                Gabriel Bourque          40     1   2  2  
 2 Justin Dowling           Darren Archibald         Jake Evans               30     1   2  2  
 3 Colin Campbell           Laurent Dauphin          Steve Bernier            20     1   2  2  
 4 Anthony Angello          Brett Sutter             Zach Senyshyn            10     1   2  2  

5 vs 5 Defense 
   Defense                  Defense                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Brian Lashoff            Taylor Fedun                                      40     1   2  2  
 2 Steven Kampfer           Dalton Prout                                      30     1   2  2  
 3 Matt Bartkowski          Ryan Stanton                                      20     1   2  2  
 4 Brian Lashoff            Taylor Fedun                                      10     1   2  2  

PowerPlay Forward 
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Chris Mueller            Matt Read                Gabriel Bourque          60     1   2  2  
 2 Justin Dowling           Darren Archibald         Jake Evans               40     1   2  2  

PowerPlay Defense
   Defense                  Defense                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Brian Lashoff            Taylor Fedun                                      60     1   2  2  
 2 Steven Kampfer           Dalton Prout                                      40     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward 
   Center                   Wing                     Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Chris Mueller            Matt Read                60     1   2  2  
 2 Gabriel Bourque          Darren Archibald         40     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Brian Lashoff            Taylor Fedun             60     1   2  2  
 2 Steven Kampfer           Dalton Prout             40     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill - 3 Players Forward 
   Forward                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Chris Mueller                                     60     1   2  2  
 2 Matt Read                                         40     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill - 3 Players Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Brian Lashoff            Taylor Fedun             60     1   2  2  
 2 Steven Kampfer           Dalton Prout             40     1   2  2  

4 vs 4 Forward 
   Center                   Wing                     Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Chris Mueller            Matt Read                60     1   2  2  
 2 Gabriel Bourque          Darren Archibald         40     1   2  2  

4 vs 4 Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Brian Lashoff            Taylor Fedun             60     1   2  2  
 2 Steven Kampfer           Dalton Prout             40     1   2  2  

Last Minutes Offensive
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
   Chris Mueller            Matt Read                Gabriel Bourque          Brian Lashoff            Taylor Fedun             

Last Minutes Defensive
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
   Chris Mueller            Matt Read                Gabriel Bourque          Brian Lashoff            Taylor Fedun             

Starting : Michael Dipietro         
Backup : Dan Vladar               

Extra Forwards
Normal : Colin Campbell, Anthony Angello, Laurent Dauphin - PP : Colin Campbell, Anthony Angello - PK : Laurent Dauphin
Extra Defensemen
Normal : Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton, Steven Kampfer - PP : Matt Bartkowski - PK : Ryan Stanton, Steven Kampfer
Penalty Shots
Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque, Darren Archibald, Justin Dowling

Gwinnett Gladiators

5 vs 5 Forward 
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Blake Lizotte            Kenny Agostino           Stefan Noesen            45     1   2  2  
 2 Alan Quine               Alex Chiasson            Eric Robinson            35     1   2  2  
 3 Kyle Rau                 Evan Rodrigues           Riley Barber             15     1   2  2  
 4 Gaetan Haas              Tyler Benson             Gabriel Gagne            5      1   2  2  

5 vs 5 Defense 
   Defense                  Defense                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Maxime Lajoie            Dysin Mayo                                        45     1   2  2  
 2 Dan Renouf               Brandon Manning                                   35     1   2  2  
 3 Guillaume Brisebois      Dysin Mayo                                        15     2   3  0  
 4 Brandon Manning          Maxime Lajoie                                     5      2   3  0  

PowerPlay Forward 
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Blake Lizotte            Kenny Agostino           Stefan Noesen            65     0   1  4  
 2 Alan Quine               Alex Chiasson            Eric Robinson            35     0   1  4  

PowerPlay Defense
   Defense                  Defense                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Dan Renouf               Dysin Mayo                                        65     1   2  2  
 2 Maxime Lajoie            Brandon Manning                                   35     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward 
   Center                   Wing                     Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Kyle Rau                 Gabriel Gagne            60     2   2  1  
 2 Gaetan Haas              Tyler Benson             40     2   2  1  

Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Maxime Lajoie            Dysin Mayo               60     2   3  0  
 2 Guillaume Brisebois      Brandon Manning          40     2   3  0  

Penalty Kill - 3 Players Forward 
   Forward                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Kyle Rau                                          60     1   3  1  
 2 Gaetan Haas                                       40     1   3  1  

Penalty Kill - 3 Players Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Maxime Lajoie            Dysin Mayo               60     2   3  0  
 2 Guillaume Brisebois      Brandon Manning          40     2   3  0  

4 vs 4 Forward 
   Center                   Wing                     Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Blake Lizotte            Stefan Noesen            60     1   2  2  
 2 Alan Quine               Kenny Agostino           40     1   2  2  

4 vs 4 Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Maxime Lajoie            Dysin Mayo               60     1   2  2  
 2 Dan Renouf               Brandon Manning          40     1   2  2  

Last Minutes Offensive
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
   Blake Lizotte            Kenny Agostino           Stefan Noesen            Maxime Lajoie            Alan Quine               

Last Minutes Defensive
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
   Alan Quine               Riley Barber             Evan Rodrigues           Brandon Manning          Dysin Mayo               

Starting : Jon Gillies              
Backup : Anton Forsberg           

Extra Forwards
Normal : Gabriel Gagne, Stefan Noesen, Alan Quine - PP : Gabriel Gagne, Stefan Noesen - PK : Riley Barber
Extra Defensemen
Normal : Dysin Mayo, Brandon Manning, Maxime Lajoie - PP : Guillaume Brisebois - PK : Brandon Manning, Maxime Lajoie
Penalty Shots
Evan Rodrigues, Kenny Agostino, Alan Quine, Riley Barber, Kyle Rau

% Time on Ice - Niagara IceDogs

Lines # - Real PCT - Wanted PCT - Time Play
Normal Forward
1 - 33% - 40% - 14:57
2 - 26% - 30% - 11:35
3 - 25% - 20% - 11:19
4 - 16% - 10% - 7:12
Normal Defense
1 - 39% - 40% - 17:28
2 - 33% - 30% - 14:55
3 - 22% - 20% - 9:51
4 - 6% - 10% - 2:49
PP Forward
1 - 53% - 60% - 4:39
2 - 47% - 40% - 4:03
PP Defense
1 - 50% - 60% - 4:19
2 - 50% - 40% - 4:23
PK Forward
1 - 89% - 60% - 4:28
2 - 11% - 40% - 0:33
PK Defense
1 - 80% - 60% - 4:02
2 - 20% - 40% - 0:59
PK3 Forward
1 - 0% - 60%
2 - 0% - 40%
PK3 Defense
1 - 0% - 60%
2 - 0% - 40%
44 Forward
1 - 0% - 60%
2 - 0% - 40%
44 Defense
1 - 0% - 60%
2 - 0% - 40%
Last Minute Offensive  - 0:00
Last Minute Defensive  - 1:14
Forward - 60:00
Defense - 60:00

% Time on Ice - Gwinnett Gladiators

Lines # - Real PCT - Wanted PCT - Time Play
Normal Forward
1 - 40% - 45% - 17:59
2 - 28% - 35% - 12:42
3 - 21% - 15% - 9:35
4 - 11% - 5% - 4:47
Normal Defense
1 - 36% - 45% - 16:25
2 - 41% - 35% - 18:22
3 - 14% - 15% - 6:24
4 - 9% - 5% - 3:52
PP Forward
1 - 62% - 65% - 3:08
2 - 38% - 35% - 1:53
PP Defense
1 - 74% - 65% - 3:42
2 - 26% - 35% - 1:19
PK Forward
1 - 67% - 60% - 5:52
2 - 33% - 40% - 2:50
PK Defense
1 - 62% - 60% - 5:23
2 - 38% - 40% - 3:19
PK3 Forward
1 - 0% - 60%
2 - 0% - 40%
PK3 Defense
1 - 0% - 60%
2 - 0% - 40%
44 Forward
1 - 0% - 60%
2 - 0% - 40%
44 Defense
1 - 0% - 60%
2 - 0% - 40%
Last Minute Offensive  - 1:14
Last Minute Defensive  - 0:00
Forward - 60:00
Defense - 60:00


1st period

0:01 of 1st period - Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in neutral zone.
0:10 of 1st period - Slapshot by Matt Read.
0:10 of 1st period - Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound.
0:11 of 1st period - Alan Quine wins face-off versus Justin Dowling in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
1:17 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Brett Sutter.
1:17 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Tyler Benson.
1:45 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Justin Dowling.
1:45 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:24 of 1st period - Slapshot by Blake Lizotte.
2:24 of 1st period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound.
2:26 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Brandon Manning.
2:26 of 1st period - Deflect By Blake Lizotte.
2:26 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Steven Kampfer.
2:26 of 1st period - Puck is out of play.
2:27 of 1st period - Justin Dowling wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in Niagara IceDogs zone.
3:30 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Riley Barber for Hooking.
3:31 of 1st period - Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Kyle Rau in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
3:32 of 1st period - Snap shot by Gabriel Bourque.
3:32 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Gabriel Gagne.
4:16 of 1st period - Off-side.
4:17 of 1st period - Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Kyle Rau in neutral zone.
4:42 of 1st period - Snap shot by Jake Evans.
4:42 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Kyle Rau.
4:44 of 1st period - Snap shot by Darren Archibald.
4:44 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:46 of 1st period - Snap shot by Steven Kampfer.
4:46 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Kyle Rau.
4:48 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Justin Dowling.
4:48 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:50 of 1st period - Slapshot by Steven Kampfer.
4:50 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:30 of 1st period - Penalty to Riley Barber is over, Riley Barber is back on ice.
5:44 of 1st period - Slapshot by Kenny Agostino.
5:44 of 1st period - Deflect By Blake Lizotte.
5:44 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Steve Bernier.
5:44 of 1st period - Puck is out of play.
5:45 of 1st period - Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Niagara IceDogs zone.
6:12 of 1st period - Eric Robinson is hit by Dalton Prout and loses puck.
6:59 of 1st period - Blake Lizotte is hit by Matt Bartkowski and loses puck.
7:17 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Taylor Fedun for Roughing.
7:18 of 1st period - Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Stefan Noesen in Niagara IceDogs zone.
7:24 of 1st period - Stefan Noesen is hit by Matt Read and loses puck.
7:31 of 1st period - Chris Mueller is hit by Stefan Noesen and loses puck.
8:13 of 1st period - Blake Lizotte is hit by Gabriel Bourque and loses puck.
9:17 of 1st period - Penalty to Taylor Fedun is over, Taylor Fedun is back on ice.
9:44 of 1st period - Dalton Prout is hit by Gaetan Haas and loses puck.
9:55 of 1st period - Snap shot by Gabriel Gagne.
9:55 of 1st period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound.
9:56 of 1st period - Kyle Rau wins face-off versus Colin Campbell in Niagara IceDogs zone.
9:57 of 1st period - Snap shot by Evan Rodrigues.
9:57 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:59 of 1st period - Slapshot by Dan Renouf.
9:59 of 1st period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound.
10:00 of 1st period - Colin Campbell wins face-off versus Kyle Rau in Niagara IceDogs zone.
10:21 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Dysin Mayo for Holding.
10:22 of 1st period - Kyle Rau wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
10:41 of 1st period - Brian Lashoff is hit by Kyle Rau and loses puck.
11:53 of 1st period - Icing by Dalton Prout.
11:54 of 1st period - Kyle Rau wins face-off versus Justin Dowling in Niagara IceDogs zone.
12:21 of 1st period - Penalty to Dysin Mayo is over, Dysin Mayo is back on ice.
12:40 of 1st period - Snap shot by Stefan Noesen.
12:40 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Steve Bernier.
12:57 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Alan Quine for Roughing.
12:58 of 1st period - Kyle Rau wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
12:58 of 1st period - Kyle Rau is hit by Matt Read.
14:57 of 1st period - Penalty to Alan Quine is over, Alan Quine is back on ice.
15:13 of 1st period - Steve Bernier is hit by Dysin Mayo and loses puck.
15:38 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Anthony Angello.
15:38 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:40 of 1st period - Slapshot by Dalton Prout.
15:40 of 1st period - Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound.
15:42 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Brett Sutter.
15:42 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:47 of 1st period - Off-side.
16:48 of 1st period - Gaetan Haas wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in neutral zone.
17:13 of 1st period - Snap shot by Justin Dowling.
17:13 of 1st period - Deflect By Darren Archibald.
17:13 of 1st period - Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound.
17:15 of 1st period - Snap shot by Darren Archibald.
17:15 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:27 of 1st period - Colin Campbell is hit by Alan Quine and loses puck.
17:52 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Kyle Rau.
17:52 of 1st period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound.
17:54 of 1st period - Snap shot by Evan Rodrigues.
17:54 of 1st period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound.
17:56 of 1st period - Slapshot by Dysin Mayo.
17:56 of 1st period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound.
18:28 of 1st period - Slapshot by Justin Dowling.
18:28 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:36 of 1st period - Snap shot by Justin Dowling.
18:36 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Dan Renouf.
18:46 of 1st period - Blake Lizotte is hit by Laurent Dauphin and loses puck.
19:05 of 1st period - Snap shot by Gabriel Bourque.
19:05 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:07 of 1st period - Slapshot by Ryan Stanton.
19:07 of 1st period - Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound.
19:08 of 1st period - Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Alan Quine in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
19:11 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Gabriel Bourque.
19:11 of 1st period - Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound.
19:12 of 1st period - Alan Quine wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
19:19 of 1st period - Slapshot by Alex Chiasson.
19:19 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Chris Mueller.
19:21 of 1st period - Snap shot by Eric Robinson.
19:21 of 1st period - Goal by Eric Robinson - Niagara IceDogs : 0 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 1.
19:22 of 1st period - Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in neutral zone.
Goals for this period are 0 for Niagara IceDogs vs 1 for Gwinnett Gladiators.
Shots for this period are 5 for Niagara IceDogs vs 7 for Gwinnett Gladiators.

2nd period

0:01 of 2nd period - Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in neutral zone.
0:12 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Matt Read.
0:12 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Blake Lizotte.
0:14 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Gabriel Bourque.
0:14 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:16 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Chris Mueller.
0:16 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound.
0:17 of 2nd period - Justin Dowling wins face-off versus Alan Quine in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
0:18 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Darren Archibald.
0:18 of 2nd period - Deflect By Jake Evans.
0:18 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:18 of 2nd period - Puck is out of play.
0:19 of 2nd period - Justin Dowling wins face-off versus Alan Quine in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
0:32 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Darren Archibald.
0:32 of 2nd period - Goal by Darren Archibald - Niagara IceDogs : 1 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 1.
0:33 of 2nd period - Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in neutral zone.
1:04 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Alan Quine.
1:04 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:20 of 2nd period - Kyle Rau is hit by Colin Campbell and loses puck.
1:59 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Blake Lizotte for Tripping.
2:00 of 2nd period - Kyle Rau wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
2:16 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Dysin Mayo.
2:16 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound.
3:07 of 2nd period - Justin Dowling is hit by Guillaume Brisebois.
3:59 of 2nd period - Penalty to Blake Lizotte is over, Blake Lizotte is back on ice.
4:51 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Laurent Dauphin.
4:51 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Dan Renouf.
5:09 of 2nd period - Matt Read is hit by Guillaume Brisebois and loses puck.
5:14 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Tyler Benson.
5:14 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound.
5:15 of 2nd period - Steve Bernier wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in Niagara IceDogs zone.
5:24 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Laurent Dauphin.
5:24 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound.
5:25 of 2nd period - Colin Campbell wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
5:36 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Kenny Agostino.
5:36 of 2nd period - Deflect By Blake Lizotte.
5:36 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:36 of 2nd period - Puck is out of play.
5:37 of 2nd period - Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Niagara IceDogs zone.
6:05 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Alex Chiasson.
6:05 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Justin Dowling.
6:07 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Alan Quine.
6:07 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound.
6:26 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Laurent Dauphin.
6:26 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound.
6:27 of 2nd period - Colin Campbell wins face-off versus Kyle Rau in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
6:42 of 2nd period - Colin Campbell is hit by Riley Barber and loses puck.
7:01 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Alex Chiasson.
7:01 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Steven Kampfer.
7:03 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Alex Chiasson.
7:03 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:05 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Brandon Manning.
7:05 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound.
7:06 of 2nd period - Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in Niagara IceDogs zone.
7:12 of 2nd period - Icing by Stefan Noesen.
7:13 of 2nd period - Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
7:39 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Gabriel Bourque.
7:39 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:41 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Matt Read.
7:41 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound.
7:43 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Matt Read.
7:43 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:45 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Matt Read.
7:45 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:51 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Matt Read.
7:51 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:53 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Brian Lashoff.
7:53 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound.
8:08 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Kenny Agostino for Hooking.
8:09 of 2nd period - Kyle Rau wins face-off versus Justin Dowling in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
8:09 of 2nd period - Kyle Rau is hit by Dalton Prout.
8:22 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Darren Archibald.
8:22 of 2nd period - Goal by Darren Archibald - Niagara IceDogs : 2 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 1.
8:23 of 2nd period - Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in neutral zone.
9:37 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Gaetan Haas.
9:37 of 2nd period - Shot Hit the Post.
9:43 of 2nd period - Brandon Manning is hit by Steve Bernier.
10:00 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Kenny Agostino.
10:00 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Matt Read.
10:02 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Stefan Noesen.
10:02 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:04 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Dan Renouf.
10:04 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound.
10:05 of 2nd period - Alan Quine wins face-off versus Justin Dowling in Niagara IceDogs zone.
10:06 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Alex Chiasson.
10:06 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound.
10:08 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Alex Chiasson.
10:08 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:42 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Evan Rodrigues.
10:42 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound.
10:44 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Maxime Lajoie.
10:44 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound.
10:46 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Evan Rodrigues.
10:46 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound.
10:47 of 2nd period - Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Niagara IceDogs zone.
10:58 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Matt Read.
10:58 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound.
11:27 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Kenny Agostino.
11:27 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:29 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Maxime Lajoie.
11:29 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:31 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Brandon Manning.
11:31 of 2nd period - Deflect By Kenny Agostino.
11:31 of 2nd period - Goal by Kenny Agostino - Niagara IceDogs : 2 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 2.
11:32 of 2nd period - Alan Quine wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in neutral zone.
11:43 of 2nd period - Gabriel Bourque is hit by Alex Chiasson and loses puck.
12:05 of 2nd period - Off-side.
12:06 of 2nd period - Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in neutral zone.
12:22 of 2nd period - Matt Read is hit by Blake Lizotte and loses puck.
13:03 of 2nd period - Icing by Steve Bernier.
13:04 of 2nd period - Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Colin Campbell in Niagara IceDogs zone.
13:42 of 2nd period - Maxime Lajoie is hit by Steve Bernier and loses puck.
13:49 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Laurent Dauphin.
13:49 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:51 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Steve Bernier.
13:51 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound.
13:52 of 2nd period - Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
13:57 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Stefan Noesen.
13:57 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:59 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Brandon Manning.
13:59 of 2nd period - Deflect By Kenny Agostino.
13:59 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:59 of 2nd period - Puck is out of play.
14:00 of 2nd period - Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in Niagara IceDogs zone.
14:09 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Chris Mueller.
14:09 of 2nd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound.
14:10 of 2nd period - Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
14:16 of 2nd period - Brandon Manning and Chris Mueller fight to a draw.
14:16 of 2nd period - Penalty to Brandon Manning for Fighting.
14:16 of 2nd period - Penalty to Chris Mueller for Fighting.
14:16 of 2nd period - Penalty to Brandon Manning for instigated a fight.
14:16 of 2nd period - Penalty to Brandon Manning for instigated a fight.
14:17 of 2nd period - Kyle Rau wins face-off versus Colin Campbell in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
14:26 of 2nd period - Kyle Rau is hit by Brian Lashoff.
14:32 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Gabriel Bourque.
14:32 of 2nd period - Goal by Gabriel Bourque - Niagara IceDogs : 3 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 2.
14:33 of 2nd period - Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Gabriel Bourque in neutral zone.
14:42 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Stefan Noesen.
14:42 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound.
14:43 of 2nd period - Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Colin Campbell in Niagara IceDogs zone.
14:51 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Matt Read for Goalie Interference.
14:52 of 2nd period - Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Niagara IceDogs zone.
15:23 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Blake Lizotte.
15:23 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound.
15:25 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Maxime Lajoie.
15:25 of 2nd period - Goal by Maxime Lajoie - Niagara IceDogs : 3 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 3.
15:26 of 2nd period - Alan Quine wins face-off versus Justin Dowling in neutral zone.
15:26 of 2nd period - Alex Chiasson is hit by Jake Evans.
15:37 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Brian Lashoff for Hooking.
15:38 of 2nd period - Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Niagara IceDogs zone.
16:32 of 2nd period - Steven Kampfer is hit by Dan Renouf and loses puck.
16:52 of 2nd period - Icing by Dysin Mayo.
16:53 of 2nd period - Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
17:11 of 2nd period - Icing by Alan Quine.
17:12 of 2nd period - Alan Quine wins face-off versus Brett Sutter in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
17:37 of 2nd period - Penalty to Brian Lashoff is over, Brian Lashoff is back on ice.
17:42 of 2nd period - Off-side.
17:43 of 2nd period - Jake Evans wins face-off versus Kyle Rau in neutral zone.
17:49 of 2nd period - Off-side.
17:50 of 2nd period - Kyle Rau wins face-off versus Justin Dowling in neutral zone.
17:55 of 2nd period - Dalton Prout is hit by Riley Barber.
17:59 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Evan Rodrigues.
17:59 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:01 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Maxime Lajoie.
18:01 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound.
18:02 of 2nd period - Matt Read wins face-off versus Kenny Agostino in Niagara IceDogs zone.
18:09 of 2nd period - Colin Campbell is hit by Stefan Noesen and loses puck.
18:48 of 2nd period - Steven Kampfer is hit by Dan Renouf and loses puck.
18:55 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Evan Rodrigues.
18:55 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:57 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Evan Rodrigues.
18:57 of 2nd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound.
18:58 of 2nd period - Colin Campbell wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in Niagara IceDogs zone.
19:05 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Gabriel Bourque.
19:05 of 2nd period - Deflect By Colin Campbell.
19:05 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:05 of 2nd period - Puck is out of play.
19:06 of 2nd period - Colin Campbell wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
Goals for this period are 3 for Niagara IceDogs vs 2 for Gwinnett Gladiators.
Shots for this period are 11 for Niagara IceDogs vs 15 for Gwinnett Gladiators.

3rd period

0:01 of 3rd period - Alan Quine wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in neutral zone.
0:26 of 3rd period - Taylor Fedun is hit by Kenny Agostino and loses puck.
0:47 of 3rd period - Steven Kampfer is hit by Evan Rodrigues and loses puck.
0:54 of 3rd period - Backhand shot by Laurent Dauphin.
0:54 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:11 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Gabriel Gagne.
1:11 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound.
1:13 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Gabriel Gagne.
1:13 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound.
1:15 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Dan Renouf.
1:15 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:17 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Tyler Benson.
1:17 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound.
1:18 of 3rd period - Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Alan Quine in Niagara IceDogs zone.
1:18 of 3rd period - Chris Mueller is hit by Alan Quine.
1:28 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Alex Chiasson.
1:28 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound.
1:55 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Justin Dowling.
1:55 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:57 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Darren Archibald.
1:57 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:22 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Dan Renouf for Holding.
2:23 of 3rd period - Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Kyle Rau in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
2:28 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Chris Mueller.
2:28 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:30 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Brian Lashoff.
2:30 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Maxime Lajoie.
2:38 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Chris Mueller.
2:38 of 3rd period - Goal by Chris Mueller - Niagara IceDogs : 4 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 3.
2:39 of 3rd period - Alan Quine wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in neutral zone.
3:04 of 3rd period - Matt Read is hit by Dysin Mayo.
4:09 of 3rd period - Laurent Dauphin is hit by Dysin Mayo and loses puck.
4:34 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Evan Rodrigues.
4:34 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound.
5:16 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Brian Lashoff.
5:16 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Maxime Lajoie.
5:30 of 3rd period - Brett Sutter is hit by Tyler Benson and loses puck.
5:35 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Gabriel Gagne.
5:35 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound.
5:37 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Tyler Benson.
5:37 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound.
5:38 of 3rd period - Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Justin Dowling in Niagara IceDogs zone.
5:49 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Stefan Noesen.
5:49 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound.
5:51 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Blake Lizotte.
5:51 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound.
5:52 of 3rd period - Alan Quine wins face-off versus Matt Read in Niagara IceDogs zone.
6:03 of 3rd period - Chris Mueller is hit by Alan Quine and loses puck.
6:08 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Alan Quine.
6:08 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:23 of 3rd period - Justin Dowling is hit by Stefan Noesen and loses puck.
6:38 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Laurent Dauphin.
6:38 of 3rd period - Deflect By Steve Bernier.
6:38 of 3rd period - Deflect By Evan Rodrigues.
6:38 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound.
6:40 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Dalton Prout.
6:40 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound.
6:42 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Colin Campbell.
6:42 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:44 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Brian Lashoff.
6:44 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound.
6:45 of 3rd period - Alan Quine wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
7:12 of 3rd period - Guillaume Brisebois is hit by Justin Dowling and loses puck.
7:38 of 3rd period - Laurent Dauphin is hit by Riley Barber and loses puck.
7:53 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Alan Quine.
7:53 of 3rd period - Goal by Alan Quine - Niagara IceDogs : 4 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 4.
7:54 of 3rd period - Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Matt Read in neutral zone.
8:04 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Brian Lashoff for High sticking.
8:05 of 3rd period - Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Niagara IceDogs zone.
8:33 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Alan Quine.
8:33 of 3rd period - Goal by Alan Quine - Niagara IceDogs : 4 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 5.
8:34 of 3rd period - Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in neutral zone.
8:51 of 3rd period - Off-side.
8:52 of 3rd period - Justin Dowling wins face-off versus Alan Quine in neutral zone.
8:55 of 3rd period - Maxime Lajoie is hit by Justin Dowling and loses puck.
9:16 of 3rd period - 10 Minutes Misconduct Penalty to Brandon Manning is over.
9:19 of 3rd period - Off-side.
9:20 of 3rd period - Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in neutral zone.
9:31 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Chris Mueller.
9:31 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound.
9:45 of 3rd period - Alex Chiasson is hit by Justin Dowling and loses puck.
10:14 of 3rd period - Kyle Rau is hit by Laurent Dauphin.
10:51 of 3rd period - Maxime Lajoie is hit by Steve Bernier and loses puck.
11:26 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Laurent Dauphin.
11:26 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:44 of 3rd period - Gabriel Bourque is hit by Dan Renouf.
12:25 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Zach Senyshyn.
12:25 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound.
12:27 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Anthony Angello.
12:27 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound.
12:29 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Zach Senyshyn.
12:29 of 3rd period - Goal by Zach Senyshyn - Niagara IceDogs : 5 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 5.
12:30 of 3rd period - Gabriel Bourque wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in neutral zone.
13:03 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Alex Chiasson.
13:03 of 3rd period - Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound.
13:12 of 3rd period - Icing by Matt Bartkowski.
13:13 of 3rd period - Riley Barber wins face-off versus Anthony Angello in Niagara IceDogs zone.
13:25 of 3rd period - Ryan Stanton is hit by Guillaume Brisebois and loses puck.
14:20 of 3rd period - Laurent Dauphin is hit by Gaetan Haas and loses puck.
15:26 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Gabriel Bourque.
15:26 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound.
15:27 of 3rd period - Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Alan Quine in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
16:41 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Chris Mueller.
16:41 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:43 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Dalton Prout.
16:43 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Dysin Mayo.
16:45 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Steven Kampfer.
16:45 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Eric Robinson.
17:06 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Tyler Benson.
17:06 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:31 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Anthony Angello.
17:31 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound.
17:41 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Zach Senyshyn.
17:41 of 3rd period - Goal by Zach Senyshyn - Niagara IceDogs : 6 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 5.
17:42 of 3rd period - Alan Quine wins face-off versus Colin Campbell in neutral zone.
17:53 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Colin Campbell.
17:53 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:55 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Colin Campbell.
17:55 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound.
17:57 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Taylor Fedun.
17:57 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Brandon Manning.
18:07 of 3rd period - Chris Mueller is hit by Brandon Manning and loses puck.
18:28 of 3rd period - Steven Kampfer is hit by Guillaume Brisebois and loses puck.
18:54 of 3rd period - Brian Lashoff is hit by Blake Lizotte and loses puck.
19:07 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Chris Mueller.
19:07 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Stefan Noesen.
19:17 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Chris Mueller.
19:17 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound.
19:19 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Brian Lashoff.
19:19 of 3rd period - Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound.
19:20 of 3rd period - Mike Kelly call a timeout for Gwinnett Gladiators.
19:20 of 3rd period - Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.
19:25 of 3rd period - Gwinnett Gladiators, Jon Gillies is pulled from the net.
19:39 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Stefan Noesen.
19:39 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Gabriel Bourque.
Goals for this period are 3 for Niagara IceDogs vs 2 for Gwinnett Gladiators.
Shots for this period are 14 for Niagara IceDogs vs 12 for Gwinnett Gladiators.

Full Play-by-Play

1st period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Gabriel Bourque moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Matt Read. Slapshot by Matt Read. Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Alan Quine wins face-off versus Justin Dowling in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass to Alan Quine in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alex Chiasson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Steven Kampfer. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Steven Kampfer intercepted by Evan Rodrigues in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Evan Rodrigues. Puck retreived by Steven Kampfer. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Steven Kampfer intercepted by Evan Rodrigues in neutral zone. Pass by Evan Rodrigues intercepted by Ryan Stanton in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Ryan Stanton intercepted by Evan Rodrigues. Pass to Kyle Rau. Pass to Riley Barber. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Riley Barber. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Kenny Agostino in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kenny Agostino. Puck retreived by Matt Read. Pass by Matt Read intercepted by Dysin Mayo in neutral zone.

Time : 1. Pass to Blake Lizotte in Niagara IceDogs zone. Blake Lizotte loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxime Lajoie for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Maxime Lajoie. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Chris Mueller. Pass to Matt Read in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Anthony Angello in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Brett Sutter. Wrist shot by Brett Sutter. Shot Blocked by Tyler Benson. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Sutter for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Brett Sutter intercepted by Dysin Mayo. Pass by Dysin Mayo intercepted by Brett Sutter. Pass by Brett Sutter intercepted by Tyler Benson. Pass to Gabriel Gagne in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gabriel Gagne. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Anthony Angello. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Anthony Angello moves puck in neutral zone. Anthony Angello loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dysin Mayo for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Dysin Mayo. Puck retreived by Jake Evans. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Justin Dowling in neutral zone. Justin Dowling moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Wrist shot by Justin Dowling. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Evans for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Justin Dowling. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Justin Dowling. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Dysin Mayo. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Evan Rodrigues. Pass to Riley Barber in neutral zone. Riley Barber moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone.

Time : 2. Pass by Riley Barber intercepted by Colin Campbell. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Laurent Dauphin. Puck retreived by Dysin Mayo. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Dysin Mayo intercepted by Brian Lashoff in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Brian Lashoff. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Brandon Manning. Pass to Riley Barber in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Stefan Noesen in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Slapshot by Blake Lizotte. Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Manning for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brandon Manning, Maxime Lajoie are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Wrist shot by Brandon Manning. Deflect By Blake Lizotte. Shot Blocked by Steven Kampfer. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Justin Dowling wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Jake Evans. Pass by Jake Evans intercepted by Brandon Manning in neutral zone. Pass by Brandon Manning intercepted by Justin Dowling in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Jake Evans in neutral zone. Pass by Jake Evans intercepted by Kenny Agostino in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Lizotte in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kenny Agostino. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Dowling. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Justin Dowling intercepted by Maxime Lajoie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Maxime Lajoie. Puck retreived by Chris Mueller. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Matt Read in neutral zone. Pass by Matt Read intercepted by Alan Quine in Gwinnett Gladiators zone.

Time : 3. Pass to Alex Chiasson in neutral zone. Pass to Alan Quine in Niagara IceDogs zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alan Quine. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Zach Senyshyn in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Tyler Benson stole the puck from Zach Senyshyn. Pass to Gabriel Gagne in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gabriel Gagne. Puck retreived by Brett Sutter. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Anthony Angello. Pass to Brett Sutter in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Anthony Angello in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Anthony Angello. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Minor Penalty to Riley Barber for Hooking. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Guillaume Brisebois, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Kyle Rau in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Snap shot by Gabriel Bourque. Shot Blocked by Gabriel Gagne. Free Puck Retrieved by Guillaume Brisebois for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Guillaume Brisebois. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass to Matt Read in neutral zone. Pass by Matt Read intercepted by Kyle Rau in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kyle Rau. Free Puck Retrieved by Taylor Fedun. Pass to Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Chris Mueller. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Kyle Rau. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kyle Rau. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Pass to Jake Evans in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Dowling.

Time : 4. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Justin Dowling. Puck retreived by Gaetan Haas. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gaetan Haas. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Justin Dowling. Pass to Jake Evans in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Jake Evans. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Gabriel Gagne. Pass by Gabriel Gagne intercepted by Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Off-side. Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Kyle Rau in neutral zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Matt Read. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Gabriel Bourque in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Matt Read. Pass to Chris Mueller. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Gabriel Bourque. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Maxime Lajoie. Pass by Maxime Lajoie intercepted by Justin Dowling in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Jake Evans in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Snap shot by Jake Evans. Shot Blocked by Kyle Rau. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Archibald for Niagara IceDogs. Snap shot by Darren Archibald. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Steven Kampfer for Niagara IceDogs. Snap shot by Steven Kampfer. Shot Blocked by Kyle Rau. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Dowling for Niagara IceDogs. Wrist shot by Justin Dowling. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Steven Kampfer for Niagara IceDogs. Slapshot by Steven Kampfer. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Evans for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Jake Evans. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Dysin Mayo. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Dysin Mayo. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Guillaume Brisebois, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro.

Time : 5. Pass to Matt Read. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Gaetan Haas in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Tyler Benson. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Tyler Benson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Jake Evans. Pass to Justin Dowling in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Justin Dowling. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Gabriel Gagne. Pass to Kyle Rau. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Evan Rodrigues, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kyle Rau. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Justin Dowling. Pass to Jake Evans. Jake Evans moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Jake Evans. Penalty to Riley Barber is over, Riley Barber is back on ice. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Tyler Benson. Pass to Riley Barber in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Riley Barber moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Slapshot by Kenny Agostino. Deflect By Blake Lizotte. Shot Blocked by Steve Bernier. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass to Blake Lizotte.

Time : 6. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kenny Agostino. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Matt Read. Pass to Chris Mueller. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Colin Campbell in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Colin Campbell. Puck retreived by Eric Robinson. Eric Robinson is hit by Dalton Prout and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Steve Bernier for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Steve Bernier intercepted by Maxime Lajoie. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Alex Chiasson moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alex Chiasson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Colin Campbell. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Jake Evans. Pass to Justin Dowling in neutral zone. Pass to Jake Evans in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Justin Dowling. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Jake Evans. Pass to Justin Dowling. Pass to Jake Evans. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Jake Evans. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Evan Rodrigues. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Pass to Kenny Agostino in neutral zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Pass by Stefan Noesen intercepted by Zach Senyshyn in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Anthony Angello. Pass to Brett Sutter in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Brett Sutter. Puck retreived by Blake Lizotte. Blake Lizotte is hit by Matt Bartkowski and loses puck.

Time : 7. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Sutter for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Brett Sutter. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Blake Lizotte. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alex Chiasson in neutral zone. Pass to Alan Quine in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass by Alex Chiasson intercepted by Gabriel Bourque. Minor Penalty to Taylor Fedun for Roughing. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Dan Renouf, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Blake Lizotte is ejected from face-off, Stefan Noesen takes his place. Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Stefan Noesen in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Matt Read. Pass to Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Read. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Matt Read. Puck retreived by Stefan Noesen. Stefan Noesen is hit by Matt Read and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dysin Mayo for Gwinnett Gladiators. Dysin Mayo moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Dysin Mayo. Puck retreived by Chris Mueller. Chris Mueller is hit by Stefan Noesen and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Lizotte for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Stefan Noesen. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Chris Mueller. Pass by Chris Mueller intercepted by Eric Robinson. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Maxime Lajoie, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass by Alex Chiasson intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Brian Lashoff. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Gabriel Bourque, Darren Archibald are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Eric Robinson. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alan Quine. Puck retreived by Ryan Stanton. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Ryan Stanton. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Alan Quine.

Time : 8. Pass to Alex Chiasson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alex Chiasson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Read. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Steven Kampfer are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Matt Read. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Gabriel Bourque, Darren Archibald are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Brandon Manning. Pass by Brandon Manning intercepted by Darren Archibald in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Darren Archibald. Puck retreived by Blake Lizotte. Blake Lizotte is hit by Gabriel Bourque and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Lizotte for Gwinnett Gladiators. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Dan Renouf, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Gabriel Bourque. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Darren Archibald. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Darren Archibald. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Dysin Mayo. Pass by Dysin Mayo intercepted by Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Chris Mueller. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Blake Lizotte. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alan Quine. Free Puck Retrieved by Gabriel Bourque. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Chris Mueller. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Alex Chiasson in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Maxime Lajoie, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alex Chiasson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Gabriel Bourque. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Dalton Prout, Matt Bartkowski are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Brandon Manning in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Brandon Manning. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Gabriel Bourque in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Gabriel Bourque. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Sutter, Laurent Dauphin are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies.

Time : 9. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Kenny Agostino in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kenny Agostino. Free Puck Retrieved by Dalton Prout. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Dalton Prout. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Brett Sutter, Darren Archibald are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass to Alan Quine. Alan Quine moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alan Quine. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Dan Renouf, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Penalty to Taylor Fedun is over, Taylor Fedun is back on ice. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Stanton. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Ryan Stanton intercepted by Riley Barber in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Riley Barber. Puck retreived by Ryan Stanton. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Ryan Stanton intercepted by Evan Rodrigues. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Evan Rodrigues intercepted by Dalton Prout. Pass to Jake Evans in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Jake Evans. Puck retreived by Dysin Mayo. Pass by Dysin Mayo intercepted by Steven Kampfer in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Steven Kampfer. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Kyle Rau. Pass to Evan Rodrigues. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Gabriel Gagne in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gabriel Gagne. Puck retreived by Dalton Prout. Dalton Prout is hit by Gaetan Haas and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyler Benson for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Guillaume Brisebois are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Gaetan Haas. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dan Renouf are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Guillaume Brisebois are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Gabriel Gagne. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dan Renouf are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Snap shot by Gabriel Gagne. Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Kyle Rau wins face-off versus Colin Campbell in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Evan Rodrigues. Snap shot by Evan Rodrigues. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dan Renouf for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Slapshot by Dan Renouf. Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound.

Time : 10. Colin Campbell wins face-off versus Kyle Rau in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Colin Campbell. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Colin Campbell in neutral zone. Colin Campbell moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Colin Campbell. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Minor Penalty to Dysin Mayo for Holding. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Kyle Rau wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Gabriel Gagne. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gabriel Gagne. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Mueller. Pass by Chris Mueller intercepted by Maxime Lajoie in neutral zone. Pass by Maxime Lajoie intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Brandon Manning in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Brandon Manning. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Brian Lashoff. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Kyle Rau in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kyle Rau. Puck retreived by Brian Lashoff. Brian Lashoff is hit by Kyle Rau and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Mueller for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Chris Mueller intercepted by Kyle Rau. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kyle Rau. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Matt Read. Pass to Gabriel Bourque in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Justin Dowling in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Jake Evans. Pass to Justin Dowling. Pass to Jake Evans.

Time : 11. Pass to Justin Dowling. Pass to Jake Evans. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Jake Evans. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Maxime Lajoie. Pass by Maxime Lajoie intercepted by Matt Read in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Matt Read. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Brandon Manning. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Brandon Manning. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dan Renouf are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Archibald. Pass to Jake Evans in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Jake Evans. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Gabriel Gagne. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gabriel Gagne. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Steven Kampfer. Pass to Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Chris Mueller. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Guillaume Brisebois. Pass to Kyle Rau in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Riley Barber, Evan Rodrigues are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kyle Rau. Puck retreived by Darren Archibald. Pass to Jake Evans in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Jake Evans. Puck retreived by Dan Renouf. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Dan Renouf. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Dalton Prout. Icing by Dalton Prout. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Kyle Rau wins face-off versus Justin Dowling in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Gabriel Gagne. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gabriel Gagne. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Archibald. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs.

Time : 12. Pass to Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Pass by Chris Mueller intercepted by Maxime Lajoie in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Gaetan Haas. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gaetan Haas. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Read. Pass by Matt Read intercepted by Kyle Rau. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kyle Rau. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Mueller. Pass to Matt Read. Matt Read moves puck in neutral zone. Penalty to Dysin Mayo is over, Dysin Mayo is back on ice. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Matt Read. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Kyle Rau. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Stefan Noesen in neutral zone. Stefan Noesen moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Stefan Noesen loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Stefan Noesen for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Stefan Noesen intercepted by Steve Bernier. Pass by Steve Bernier intercepted by Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Kenny Agostino moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Snap shot by Stefan Noesen. Shot Blocked by Steve Bernier. Free Puck Retrieved by Kenny Agostino for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kenny Agostino. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Steve Bernier. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Steve Bernier intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois in neutral zone. Pass by Guillaume Brisebois intercepted by Brian Lashoff in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Alan Quine in neutral zone. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Brian Lashoff in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Dysin Mayo. Minor Penalty to Alan Quine for Roughing. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Kyle Rau wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Gabriel Gagne. Kyle Rau is hit by Matt Read.

Time : 13. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gabriel Gagne. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Chris Mueller. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Matt Read in neutral zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Chris Mueller. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Matt Read. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Matt Read. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Dysin Mayo. Pass by Dysin Mayo intercepted by Darren Archibald in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Darren Archibald. Puck retreived by Gabriel Gagne. Pass to Kyle Rau. Pass by Kyle Rau intercepted by Justin Dowling in neutral zone. Pass to Jake Evans. Pass to Darren Archibald in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Darren Archibald. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Kyle Rau. Pass by Kyle Rau intercepted by Matt Read. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Gabriel Bourque. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Maxime Lajoie. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Maxime Lajoie. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Guillaume Brisebois, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Archibald. Pass to Jake Evans in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Jake Evans. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Tyler Benson. Pass to Gaetan Haas in neutral zone. Gaetan Haas moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone.

Time : 14. Pass to Tyler Benson. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Tyler Benson. Free Puck Retrieved by Dalton Prout. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Jake Evans. Jake Evans moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Jake Evans. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Gaetan Haas. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Riley Barber, Evan Rodrigues are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gaetan Haas. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Gabriel Bourque moves puck in neutral zone. Guillaume Brisebois stole the puck from Gabriel Bourque. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Evan Rodrigues in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Evan Rodrigues intercepted by Jake Evans. Pass to Justin Dowling in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Justin Dowling. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Evan Rodrigues. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Dan Renouf, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Evan Rodrigues. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Chris Mueller. Pass by Chris Mueller intercepted by Dan Renouf in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Dan Renouf. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Mueller. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Darren Archibald in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Darren Archibald. Puck retreived by Tyler Benson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Riley Barber, Evan Rodrigues are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dan Renouf are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Tyler Benson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Evans. Pass to Justin Dowling. Pass to Jake Evans. Penalty to Alan Quine is over, Alan Quine is back on ice. Pass to Justin Dowling in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Justin Dowling.

Time : 15. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Riley Barber. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alan Quine. Puck retreived by Colin Campbell. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Dysin Mayo. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Dysin Mayo. Puck retreived by Steve Bernier. Steve Bernier is hit by Dysin Mayo and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Stefan Noesen for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Riley Barber, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brandon Manning, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Laurent Dauphin. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Blake Lizotte. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Blake Lizotte. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Colin Campbell. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Laurent Dauphin moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Brett Sutter. Pass to Zach Senyshyn. Pass to Brett Sutter. Pass to Anthony Angello. Wrist shot by Anthony Angello. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dalton Prout for Niagara IceDogs. Slapshot by Dalton Prout. Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Sutter for Niagara IceDogs. Wrist shot by Brett Sutter. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Anthony Angello for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Anthony Angello. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Brandon Manning. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Gaetan Haas in neutral zone. Pass by Gaetan Haas intercepted by Matt Bartkowski in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Matt Bartkowski intercepted by Maxime Lajoie in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Maxime Lajoie intercepted by Colin Campbell in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Colin Campbell intercepted by Brandon Manning in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Brandon Manning.

Time : 16. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Colin Campbell in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Colin Campbell moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Colin Campbell intercepted by Blake Lizotte. Pass to Stefan Noesen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Stefan Noesen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Anthony Angello. Pass by Anthony Angello intercepted by Evan Rodrigues. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Guillaume Brisebois are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Evan Rodrigues intercepted by Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Brett Sutter. Pass to Anthony Angello in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Anthony Angello. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Eric Robinson. Pass by Eric Robinson intercepted by Gabriel Bourque in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Gabriel Bourque. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Kyle Rau. Pass by Kyle Rau intercepted by Taylor Fedun. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Taylor Fedun. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Guillaume Brisebois. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Guillaume Brisebois intercepted by Brian Lashoff in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Brian Lashoff. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Kenny Agostino. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Gabriel Gagne in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Off-side. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Dan Renouf, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Gaetan Haas wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Pass to Dysin Mayo. Dysin Mayo moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Dysin Mayo intercepted by Chris Mueller. Pass to Gabriel Bourque in neutral zone. Gabriel Bourque moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Chris Mueller.

Time : 17. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Chris Mueller. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Dysin Mayo. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Pass by Stefan Noesen intercepted by Justin Dowling. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Justin Dowling intercepted by Stefan Noesen. Pass by Stefan Noesen intercepted by Ryan Stanton in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Dowling in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Snap shot by Justin Dowling. Deflect By Darren Archibald. Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Archibald for Niagara IceDogs. Snap shot by Darren Archibald. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Stanton for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Justin Dowling. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Justin Dowling. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Dysin Mayo. Pass to Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Blake Lizotte. Puck retreived by Colin Campbell. Colin Campbell is hit by Alan Quine and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Bartkowski for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Laurent Dauphin moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Laurent Dauphin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Alex Chiasson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Kyle Rau. Kyle Rau moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Evan Rodrigues in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Kyle Rau. Wrist shot by Kyle Rau. Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Evan Rodrigues for Gwinnett Gladiators. Snap shot by Evan Rodrigues. Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Dysin Mayo for Gwinnett Gladiators. Slapshot by Dysin Mayo. Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Riley Barber for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Riley Barber.

Time : 18. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Brian Lashoff. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Tyler Benson in neutral zone. Pass to Gaetan Haas in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Gaetan Haas intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Brandon Manning in neutral zone. Pass to Tyler Benson in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Gaetan Haas. Pass by Gaetan Haas intercepted by Zach Senyshyn. Pass to Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Taylor Fedun. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Dan Renouf. Pass by Dan Renouf intercepted by Darren Archibald in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Justin Dowling in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Slapshot by Justin Dowling. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Steven Kampfer for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Justin Dowling. Snap shot by Justin Dowling. Shot Blocked by Dan Renouf. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Dowling for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Justin Dowling. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass by Kenny Agostino intercepted by Dalton Prout in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Dalton Prout. Puck retreived by Blake Lizotte. Blake Lizotte is hit by Laurent Dauphin and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dalton Prout for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Colin Campbell. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Colin Campbell. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs.

Time : 19. Puck retreived by Dan Renouf. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Dan Renouf intercepted by Ryan Stanton in neutral zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Snap shot by Gabriel Bourque. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Stanton for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Slapshot by Ryan Stanton. Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Alan Quine in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Wrist shot by Gabriel Bourque. Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound. Alan Quine wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Alex Chiasson moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Slapshot by Alex Chiasson. Shot Blocked by Chris Mueller. Free Puck Retrieved by Eric Robinson for Gwinnett Gladiators. Snap shot by Eric Robinson. Goal by Eric Robinson - Niagara IceDogs : 0 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 1. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Taylor Fedun. Puck retreived by Blake Lizotte. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Brian Lashoff in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Read. Matt Read moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Matt Read loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kenny Agostino for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Kenny Agostino intercepted by Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Pass by Chris Mueller intercepted by Dysin Mayo in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Blake Lizotte. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Read. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Justin Dowling in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Justin Dowling. Puck retreived by Alex Chiasson. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Taylor Fedun in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Justin Dowling. Justin Dowling moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Taylor Fedun in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Justin Dowling.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Niagara IceDogs vs 1 for Gwinnett Gladiators. Shots for this period are 5 for Niagara IceDogs vs 7 for Gwinnett Gladiators.

2nd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Pass to Maxime Lajoie. Maxime Lajoie moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Maxime Lajoie intercepted by Taylor Fedun. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Pass to Matt Read in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Snap shot by Matt Read. Shot Blocked by Blake Lizotte. Free Puck Retrieved by Gabriel Bourque for Niagara IceDogs. Slapshot by Gabriel Bourque. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Mueller for Niagara IceDogs. Snap shot by Chris Mueller. Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Justin Dowling wins face-off versus Alan Quine in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Darren Archibald. Slapshot by Darren Archibald. Deflect By Jake Evans. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Justin Dowling wins face-off versus Alan Quine in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Jake Evans. Pass to Justin Dowling. Pass to Jake Evans. Pass to Justin Dowling. Pass to Darren Archibald. Wrist shot by Darren Archibald. Goal by Darren Archibald - Niagara IceDogs : 1 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Pass by Stefan Noesen intercepted by Taylor Fedun in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Stefan Noesen moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Blake Lizotte. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Brian Lashoff. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Alan Quine. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass to Alan Quine.

Time : 1. Slapshot by Alan Quine. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Eric Robinson for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Eric Robinson intercepted by Taylor Fedun. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Eric Robinson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Eric Robinson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Jake Evans. Pass to Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Taylor Fedun. Puck retreived by Kyle Rau. Kyle Rau is hit by Colin Campbell and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Manning for Gwinnett Gladiators. Brandon Manning moves puck in neutral zone. Colin Campbell stole the puck from Brandon Manning. Pass by Colin Campbell intercepted by Brandon Manning. Pass by Brandon Manning intercepted by Laurent Dauphin in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Dan Renouf. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Dan Renouf. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Brian Lashoff. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Taylor Fedun moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Chris Mueller. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Chris Mueller. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Chris Mueller. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Maxime Lajoie. Minor Penalty to Blake Lizotte for Tripping.

Time : 2. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Kyle Rau wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Gabriel Gagne. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gabriel Gagne. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Mueller. Pass to Gabriel Bourque in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Gabriel Bourque. Puck retreived by Kyle Rau. Pass to Dysin Mayo in neutral zone. Dysin Mayo moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Slapshot by Dysin Mayo. Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxime Lajoie for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Maxime Lajoie. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Steven Kampfer. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Jake Evans in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Jake Evans. Puck retreived by Maxime Lajoie. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Guillaume Brisebois, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Maxime Lajoie. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Steven Kampfer. Pass to Justin Dowling in neutral zone. Pass to Jake Evans in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Justin Dowling. Pass to Jake Evans. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Jake Evans. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Brandon Manning. Pass by Brandon Manning intercepted by Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Chris Mueller. Puck retreived by Kyle Rau. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kyle Rau. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Chris Mueller. Pass by Chris Mueller intercepted by Tyler Benson. Pass by Tyler Benson intercepted by Taylor Fedun. Pass to Gabriel Bourque in neutral zone.

Time : 3. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Gabriel Bourque. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Gaetan Haas. Pass to Tyler Benson in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Guillaume Brisebois, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Tyler Benson. Puck retreived by Justin Dowling. Justin Dowling is hit by Guillaume Brisebois. Pass by Justin Dowling intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Guillaume Brisebois. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Taylor Fedun. Pass to Darren Archibald in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Darren Archibald. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Brandon Manning. Pass to Tyler Benson in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Tyler Benson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Riley Barber, Evan Rodrigues are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Matt Read. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Justin Dowling in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Justin Dowling. Puck retreived by Riley Barber. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Riley Barber. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Riley Barber, Evan Rodrigues are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Steven Kampfer. Pass to Jake Evans in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Jake Evans. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Evan Rodrigues. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Evan Rodrigues. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Chris Mueller. Pass to Matt Read. Matt Read moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Matt Read. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Tyler Benson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Tyler Benson. Penalty to Blake Lizotte is over, Blake Lizotte is back on ice. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators.

Time : 4. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Evans. Pass by Jake Evans intercepted by Kenny Agostino in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kenny Agostino. Puck retreived by Darren Archibald. Pass by Darren Archibald intercepted by Dysin Mayo in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Blake Lizotte in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Dalton Prout. Pass by Dalton Prout intercepted by Kenny Agostino in neutral zone. Pass by Kenny Agostino intercepted by Steven Kampfer in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Steven Kampfer intercepted by Stefan Noesen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Stefan Noesen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Steven Kampfer. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Anthony Angello in neutral zone. Pass by Anthony Angello intercepted by Brandon Manning in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Brandon Manning intercepted by Dalton Prout in neutral zone. Pass by Dalton Prout intercepted by Alan Quine. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alan Quine. Puck retreived by Zach Senyshyn. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Zach Senyshyn intercepted by Alex Chiasson. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alex Chiasson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Brett Sutter. Pass to Anthony Angello. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Anthony Angello moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Colin Campbell in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Wrist shot by Laurent Dauphin. Shot Blocked by Dan Renouf. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Manning for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Brandon Manning intercepted by Steve Bernier in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Steve Bernier. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Riley Barber. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dan Renouf are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators.

Time : 5. Pass by Riley Barber intercepted by Brett Sutter in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Brett Sutter. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Stefan Noesen. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Gabriel Gagne in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gabriel Gagne. Puck retreived by Matt Read. Matt Read is hit by Guillaume Brisebois and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Gabriel Gagne for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Tyler Benson. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Maxime Lajoie are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Slapshot by Tyler Benson. Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Colin Campbell is ejected from face-off, Steve Bernier takes his place. Steve Bernier wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Taylor Fedun moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Wrist shot by Laurent Dauphin. Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Colin Campbell wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois. Pass to Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Blake Lizotte moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Wrist shot by Kenny Agostino. Deflect By Blake Lizotte. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Pass by Stefan Noesen intercepted by Taylor Fedun. Pass to Chris Mueller. Pass to Matt Read in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Matt Read. Puck retreived by Blake Lizotte. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Chris Mueller. Pass to Matt Read. Pass by Matt Read intercepted by Maxime Lajoie. Pass by Maxime Lajoie intercepted by Taylor Fedun. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Taylor Fedun. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Dysin Mayo.

Time : 6. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alex Chiasson in neutral zone. Alex Chiasson moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Snap shot by Alex Chiasson. Shot Blocked by Justin Dowling. Free Puck Retrieved by Alan Quine for Gwinnett Gladiators. Wrist shot by Alan Quine. Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Chiasson for Gwinnett Gladiators. Alex Chiasson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxime Lajoie for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alex Chiasson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Dowling. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Laurent Dauphin moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Snap shot by Laurent Dauphin. Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Colin Campbell wins face-off versus Kyle Rau in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Evan Rodrigues. Pass to Kyle Rau. Kyle Rau moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kyle Rau. Puck retreived by Colin Campbell. Colin Campbell is hit by Riley Barber and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Manning for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Brandon Manning. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Steve Bernier. Pass by Steve Bernier intercepted by Stefan Noesen in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alan Quine in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson.

Time : 7. Snap shot by Alex Chiasson. Shot Blocked by Steven Kampfer. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Chiasson for Gwinnett Gladiators. Snap shot by Alex Chiasson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Manning for Gwinnett Gladiators. Slapshot by Brandon Manning. Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Gabriel Bourque moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Stefan Noesen in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Icing by Stefan Noesen. Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Matt Read. Pass by Matt Read intercepted by Dysin Mayo. Pass by Dysin Mayo intercepted by Chris Mueller. Pass by Chris Mueller intercepted by Dysin Mayo. Pass by Dysin Mayo intercepted by Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Pass by Chris Mueller intercepted by Dysin Mayo in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Dysin Mayo intercepted by Matt Read in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Matt Read. Puck retreived by Blake Lizotte. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Matt Read in neutral zone. Pass by Matt Read intercepted by Stefan Noesen in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Stefan Noesen intercepted by Matt Read in neutral zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Slapshot by Gabriel Bourque. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Read for Niagara IceDogs. Wrist shot by Matt Read. Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Read for Niagara IceDogs. Snap shot by Matt Read. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Read for Niagara IceDogs. Wrist shot by Matt Read. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Read for Niagara IceDogs. Wrist shot by Matt Read. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brian Lashoff for Niagara IceDogs. Slapshot by Brian Lashoff. Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Mueller for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Chris Mueller intercepted by Blake Lizotte. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Brian Lashoff in neutral zone.

Time : 8. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Maxime Lajoie. Maxime Lajoie moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Maxime Lajoie intercepted by Taylor Fedun. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Dysin Mayo in neutral zone. Minor Penalty to Kenny Agostino for Hooking. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Guillaume Brisebois, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Kyle Rau wins face-off versus Justin Dowling in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Guillaume Brisebois. Kyle Rau is hit by Dalton Prout. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Guillaume Brisebois. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Dowling. Pass to Jake Evans. Pass to Justin Dowling. Pass to Darren Archibald in neutral zone. Darren Archibald moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Snap shot by Darren Archibald. Goal by Darren Archibald - Niagara IceDogs : 2 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass to Blake Lizotte in Niagara IceDogs zone. Blake Lizotte loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Stefan Noesen for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kenny Agostino. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Read. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Justin Dowling. Justin Dowling moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Justin Dowling intercepted by Maxime Lajoie in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alan Quine. Puck retreived by Jake Evans. Pass to Justin Dowling in neutral zone.

Time : 9. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Darren Archibald. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Darren Archibald. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Riley Barber. Pass by Riley Barber intercepted by Brian Lashoff in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Brett Sutter in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Brett Sutter intercepted by Kyle Rau. Pass by Kyle Rau intercepted by Brian Lashoff in neutral zone. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Maxime Lajoie in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Evan Rodrigues. Pass to Dysin Mayo in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Dysin Mayo. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass to Brian Lashoff in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Brian Lashoff. Puck retreived by Tyler Benson. Pass to Gabriel Gagne. Pass to Gaetan Haas in neutral zone. Gaetan Haas moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Snap shot by Gaetan Haas. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Brian Lashoff for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Taylor Fedun. Puck retreived by Brandon Manning. Brandon Manning is hit by Steve Bernier. Pass by Brandon Manning intercepted by Brian Lashoff in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Brian Lashoff. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Tyler Benson. Pass to Gaetan Haas in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gaetan Haas. Puck retreived by Ryan Stanton. Pass by Ryan Stanton intercepted by Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Kenny Agostino moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone.

Time : 10. Snap shot by Kenny Agostino. Shot Blocked by Matt Read. Free Puck Retrieved by Stefan Noesen for Gwinnett Gladiators. Snap shot by Stefan Noesen. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dan Renouf for Gwinnett Gladiators. Slapshot by Dan Renouf. Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Alan Quine wins face-off versus Justin Dowling in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Wrist shot by Alex Chiasson. Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Chiasson for Gwinnett Gladiators. Snap shot by Alex Chiasson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dysin Mayo for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Dalton Prout. Pass by Dalton Prout intercepted by Alan Quine in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alan Quine. Puck retreived by Darren Archibald. Pass by Darren Archibald intercepted by Alan Quine in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alan Quine. Puck retreived by Justin Dowling. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Justin Dowling intercepted by Alex Chiasson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alex Chiasson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Jake Evans. Pass by Jake Evans intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Riley Barber. Pass to Kyle Rau. Pass to Evan Rodrigues. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brandon Manning, Maxime Lajoie are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Slapshot by Evan Rodrigues. Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxime Lajoie for Gwinnett Gladiators. Slapshot by Maxime Lajoie. Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Evan Rodrigues for Gwinnett Gladiators. Snap shot by Evan Rodrigues. Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Pass by Stefan Noesen intercepted by Steven Kampfer. Pass to Matt Read in neutral zone. Matt Read moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Wrist shot by Matt Read. Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Kenny Agostino for Gwinnett Gladiators.

Time : 11. Pass by Kenny Agostino intercepted by Steven Kampfer in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Steven Kampfer. Puck retreived by Kenny Agostino. Pass by Kenny Agostino intercepted by Gabriel Bourque in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Gabriel Bourque. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass by Kenny Agostino intercepted by Steven Kampfer. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Brett Sutter. Pass to Zach Senyshyn. Pass by Zach Senyshyn intercepted by Brandon Manning. Pass to Kenny Agostino in neutral zone. Kenny Agostino moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Snap shot by Kenny Agostino. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxime Lajoie for Gwinnett Gladiators. Slapshot by Maxime Lajoie. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Manning for Gwinnett Gladiators. Slapshot by Brandon Manning. Deflect By Kenny Agostino. Goal by Kenny Agostino - Niagara IceDogs : 2 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Alan Quine wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass to Alan Quine. Alan Quine moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Gabriel Bourque. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Alan Quine in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alan Quine. Puck retreived by Gabriel Bourque. Gabriel Bourque is hit by Alex Chiasson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Read for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Taylor Fedun. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Dysin Mayo. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Alex Chiasson moves puck in neutral zone. Jake Evans stole the puck from Alex Chiasson.

Time : 12. Pass by Jake Evans intercepted by Maxime Lajoie in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Kyle Rau in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Gabriel Bourque moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Brandon Manning. Pass to Kenny Agostino in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kenny Agostino. Puck retreived by Gabriel Bourque. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Stefan Noesen. Puck retreived by Matt Read. Matt Read is hit by Blake Lizotte and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kenny Agostino for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kenny Agostino. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Mueller. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Justin Dowling in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Justin Dowling. Puck retreived by Alex Chiasson. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Eric Robinson in neutral zone. Eric Robinson moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Eric Robinson intercepted by Steven Kampfer. Pass to Justin Dowling. Justin Dowling moves puck in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Justin Dowling intercepted by Dysin Mayo in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Riley Barber in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Kyle Rau in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Evan Rodrigues. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Evan Rodrigues intercepted by Dalton Prout. Pass by Dalton Prout intercepted by Kyle Rau. Pass to Evan Rodrigues.

Time : 13. Pass by Evan Rodrigues intercepted by Steve Bernier. Icing by Steve Bernier. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Colin Campbell in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Dalton Prout. Pass to Colin Campbell in neutral zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Maxime Lajoie. Pass to Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Blake Lizotte. Puck retreived by Laurent Dauphin. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Taylor Fedun moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Maxime Lajoie. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Alex Chiasson in neutral zone. Alex Chiasson moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass by Alex Chiasson intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass to Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Taylor Fedun. Puck retreived by Maxime Lajoie. Maxime Lajoie is hit by Steve Bernier and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Steve Bernier for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Slapshot by Laurent Dauphin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Steve Bernier for Niagara IceDogs. Wrist shot by Steve Bernier. Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Stefan Noesen moves puck in neutral zone. Stefan Noesen moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Snap shot by Stefan Noesen. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Manning for Gwinnett Gladiators. Slapshot by Brandon Manning. Deflect By Kenny Agostino. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play.

Time : 14. Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Matt Read. Pass by Matt Read intercepted by Stefan Noesen in neutral zone. Pass by Stefan Noesen intercepted by Gabriel Bourque in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Matt Read in neutral zone. Pass to Chris Mueller in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Wrist shot by Chris Mueller. Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Dan Renouf. Pass by Dan Renouf intercepted by Gabriel Bourque in neutral zone. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Stefan Noesen in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Brandon Manning and Chris Mueller fight to a draw. Penalty to Brandon Manning for Fighting. Penalty to Chris Mueller for Fighting. Penalty to Brandon Manning for instigated a fight. Penalty to Brandon Manning for instigated a fight. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Colin Campbell, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Kyle Rau wins face-off versus Colin Campbell in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Maxime Lajoie. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Maxime Lajoie. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Matt Read. Pass to Colin Campbell in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Colin Campbell. Puck retreived by Kyle Rau. Kyle Rau is hit by Brian Lashoff. Pass by Kyle Rau intercepted by Brian Lashoff in neutral zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Snap shot by Gabriel Bourque. Goal by Gabriel Bourque - Niagara IceDogs : 3 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Colin Campbell is ejected from face-off, Gabriel Bourque takes his place. Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Gabriel Bourque in neutral zone. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Kenny Agostino moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Snap shot by Stefan Noesen. Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound. Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Colin Campbell in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Minor Penalty to Matt Read for Goalie Interference. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Dan Renouf, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass by Kenny Agostino intercepted by Taylor Fedun. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Taylor Fedun.

Time : 15. Puck retreived by Kenny Agostino. Pass by Kenny Agostino intercepted by Brian Lashoff in neutral zone. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Dysin Mayo in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Dysin Mayo intercepted by Taylor Fedun. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Gabriel Bourque. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Sutter, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Dan Renouf. Pass by Dan Renouf intercepted by Brett Sutter in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Brett Sutter. Puck retreived by Stefan Noesen. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Maxime Lajoie, Guillaume Brisebois are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Kenny Agostino in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Blake Lizotte in Niagara IceDogs zone. Slapshot by Blake Lizotte. Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxime Lajoie for Gwinnett Gladiators. Slapshot by Maxime Lajoie. Goal by Maxime Lajoie - Niagara IceDogs : 3 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 3. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Alan Quine wins face-off versus Justin Dowling in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Alex Chiasson is hit by Jake Evans. Pass to Alan Quine in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass by Alex Chiasson intercepted by Taylor Fedun. Minor Penalty to Brian Lashoff for Hooking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Read are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Ryan Stanton, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Dan Renouf, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Pass by Stefan Noesen intercepted by Ryan Stanton. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Ryan Stanton. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Dysin Mayo. Pass to Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Matt Read in Niagara IceDogs zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Matt Read. Puck retreived by Kenny Agostino. Pass to Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Laurent Dauphin in Niagara IceDogs zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Laurent Dauphin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Sutter, Matt Read are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies.

Time : 16. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Stefan Noesen moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Blake Lizotte moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Blake Lizotte loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Lizotte for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass by Kenny Agostino intercepted by Taylor Fedun. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Taylor Fedun. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Pass to Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Laurent Dauphin stole the puck from Blake Lizotte. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Laurent Dauphin. Puck retreived by Blake Lizotte. Pass to Kenny Agostino in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Sutter, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kenny Agostino. Puck retreived by Steven Kampfer. Steven Kampfer is hit by Dan Renouf and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dysin Mayo for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Dalton Prout stole the puck from Blake Lizotte. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Gabriel Bourque moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Gabriel Bourque. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Matt Read are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Dalton Prout, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Dysin Mayo. Icing by Dysin Mayo. Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Laurent Dauphin in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Alan Quine moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson.

Time : 17. Pass by Alex Chiasson intercepted by Taylor Fedun. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Taylor Fedun. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Brett Sutter, Matt Read are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Alan Quine. Icing by Alan Quine. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Ryan Stanton, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Alan Quine wins face-off versus Brett Sutter in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Eric Robinson. Eric Robinson moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Alan Quine in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass to Alan Quine. Ryan Stanton stole the puck from Alan Quine. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Ryan Stanton. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Laurent Dauphin, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Dan Renouf. Pass to Eric Robinson in neutral zone. Eric Robinson moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Eric Robinson intercepted by Taylor Fedun. Penalty to Brian Lashoff is over, Brian Lashoff is back on ice. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Guillaume Brisebois, Maxime Lajoie are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Justin Dowling is ejected from face-off, Jake Evans takes his place. Jake Evans wins face-off versus Kyle Rau in neutral zone. Pass to Dalton Prout. Guillaume Brisebois stole the puck from Dalton Prout. Off-side. Kyle Rau wins face-off versus Justin Dowling in neutral zone. Pass to Maxime Lajoie. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Maxime Lajoie. Puck retreived by Dalton Prout. Dalton Prout is hit by Riley Barber. Pass by Dalton Prout intercepted by Riley Barber in neutral zone. Pass to Evan Rodrigues in Niagara IceDogs zone. Slapshot by Evan Rodrigues. Shot Misses the Net.

Time : 18. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxime Lajoie for Gwinnett Gladiators. Snap shot by Maxime Lajoie. Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Colin Campbell, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dysin Mayo, Maxime Lajoie are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Blake Lizotte is ejected from face-off, Kenny Agostino takes his place. Colin Campbell is ejected from face-off, Matt Read takes his place. Matt Read wins face-off versus Kenny Agostino in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Dysin Mayo in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Blake Lizotte. Puck retreived by Colin Campbell. Colin Campbell is hit by Stefan Noesen and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxime Lajoie for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Maxime Lajoie are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dysin Mayo, Maxime Lajoie are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Blake Lizotte. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Gabriel Bourque. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Eric Robinson. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Maxime Lajoie are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Eric Robinson intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Alan Quine. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass by Alex Chiasson intercepted by Darren Archibald. Pass to Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Taylor Fedun moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Justin Dowling. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Justin Dowling. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alan Quine. Puck retreived by Steven Kampfer. Steven Kampfer is hit by Dan Renouf and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kyle Rau for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Riley Barber. Pass to Evan Rodrigues. Snap shot by Evan Rodrigues. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Evan Rodrigues for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dysin Mayo, Guillaume Brisebois are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Snap shot by Evan Rodrigues. Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Colin Campbell, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Colin Campbell wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque.

Time : 19. Gabriel Bourque moves puck in neutral zone. Gabriel Bourque moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Snap shot by Gabriel Bourque. Deflect By Colin Campbell. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Colin Campbell wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Blake Lizotte. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Gabriel Bourque in neutral zone. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Kenny Agostino in neutral zone. Pass by Kenny Agostino intercepted by Dalton Prout in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque in neutral zone. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Guillaume Brisebois intercepted by Dalton Prout. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Dalton Prout. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Guillaume Brisebois. Pass by Guillaume Brisebois intercepted by Justin Dowling in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Steven Kampfer. Steven Kampfer moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Steven Kampfer intercepted by Kenny Agostino. Pass to Stefan Noesen in neutral zone. Stefan Noesen moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Steven Kampfer. Pass by Steven Kampfer intercepted by Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Stefan Noesen in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Stefan Noesen intercepted by Justin Dowling. Pass by Justin Dowling intercepted by Dysin Mayo in neutral zone. Pass by Dysin Mayo intercepted by Jake Evans. Pass by Jake Evans intercepted by Kenny Agostino. Pass to Blake Lizotte in Niagara IceDogs zone.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 3 for Niagara IceDogs vs 2 for Gwinnett Gladiators. Shots for this period are 11 for Niagara IceDogs vs 15 for Gwinnett Gladiators.

3rd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Alan Quine wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass by Alex Chiasson intercepted by Brian Lashoff in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Dysin Mayo in neutral zone. Pass by Dysin Mayo intercepted by Matt Read in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Matt Read. Matt Read moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Taylor Fedun moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Taylor Fedun. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Alex Chiasson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Kenny Agostino in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kenny Agostino. Puck retreived by Taylor Fedun. Taylor Fedun is hit by Kenny Agostino and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Stefan Noesen for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Maxime Lajoie are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Jake Evans. Pass to Justin Dowling in neutral zone. Pass to Jake Evans in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Jake Evans. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Blake Lizotte moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Blake Lizotte. Puck retreived by Steven Kampfer. Steven Kampfer is hit by Evan Rodrigues and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Steven Kampfer for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Laurent Dauphin moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Backhand shot by Laurent Dauphin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Steve Bernier for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Steve Bernier. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies.

Time : 1. Pass to Evan Rodrigues. Pass to Kyle Rau. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Kyle Rau moves puck in neutral zone. Kyle Rau loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Gaetan Haas for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Gabriel Gagne. Gabriel Gagne moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Wrist shot by Gabriel Gagne. Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Gabriel Gagne for Gwinnett Gladiators. Snap shot by Gabriel Gagne. Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Dan Renouf for Gwinnett Gladiators. Slapshot by Dan Renouf. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyler Benson for Gwinnett Gladiators. Wrist shot by Tyler Benson. Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Alan Quine in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Steven Kampfer. Chris Mueller is hit by Alan Quine. Pass to Gabriel Bourque in neutral zone. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Dysin Mayo in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson in Niagara IceDogs zone. Snap shot by Alex Chiasson. Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Eric Robinson for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alex Chiasson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Matt Read in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Matt Read. Puck retreived by Guillaume Brisebois. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Guillaume Brisebois intercepted by Jake Evans in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Dowling in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Jake Evans. Pass to Justin Dowling. Snap shot by Justin Dowling. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Archibald for Niagara IceDogs. Slapshot by Darren Archibald. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Archibald for Niagara IceDogs.

Time : 2. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Darren Archibald. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Kenny Agostino. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Kyle Rau. Kyle Rau moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kyle Rau. Puck retreived by Colin Campbell. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Colin Campbell in neutral zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Laurent Dauphin. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Dan Renouf. Minor Penalty to Dan Renouf for Holding. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Kyle Rau, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Guillaume Brisebois, Maxime Lajoie are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Kyle Rau in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Matt Read. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Chris Mueller. Wrist shot by Chris Mueller. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brian Lashoff for Niagara IceDogs. Slapshot by Brian Lashoff. Shot Blocked by Maxime Lajoie. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Read for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Chris Mueller. Snap shot by Chris Mueller. Goal by Chris Mueller - Niagara IceDogs : 4 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 3. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Alan Quine wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Pass to Dysin Mayo. Dysin Mayo moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Alex Chiasson. Pass by Alex Chiasson intercepted by Gabriel Bourque. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Dysin Mayo in neutral zone. Pass to Alan Quine in Niagara IceDogs zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alan Quine. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro.

Time : 3. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Kenny Agostino in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kenny Agostino. Puck retreived by Matt Read. Matt Read is hit by Dysin Mayo. Pass by Matt Read intercepted by Maxime Lajoie in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Maxime Lajoie are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Maxime Lajoie. Puck retreived by Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Chris Mueller. Pass to Matt Read. Pass by Matt Read intercepted by Evan Rodrigues in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Evan Rodrigues. Puck retreived by Taylor Fedun. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Gabriel Bourque in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Dan Renouf in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Stefan Noesen. Puck retreived by Steven Kampfer. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Steven Kampfer intercepted by Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Stefan Noesen intercepted by Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Chris Mueller. Pass by Chris Mueller intercepted by Dan Renouf. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Dan Renouf. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Stanton. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Ryan Stanton intercepted by Dysin Mayo in neutral zone. Pass by Dysin Mayo intercepted by Ryan Stanton in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Ryan Stanton intercepted by Alex Chiasson in neutral zone. Pass by Alex Chiasson intercepted by Matt Bartkowski. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Matt Bartkowski. Puck retreived by Dysin Mayo. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alex Chiasson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alex Chiasson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Dowling. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs.

Time : 4. Pass by Justin Dowling intercepted by Dysin Mayo in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Dysin Mayo. Puck retreived by Colin Campbell. Pass by Colin Campbell intercepted by Gabriel Gagne in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gabriel Gagne. Puck retreived by Laurent Dauphin. Laurent Dauphin is hit by Dysin Mayo and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Steven Kampfer for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Steven Kampfer intercepted by Gaetan Haas in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gaetan Haas. Puck retreived by Laurent Dauphin. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Brian Lashoff in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Brian Lashoff. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Dan Renouf. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Kyle Rau in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kyle Rau. Puck retreived by Anthony Angello. Pass by Anthony Angello intercepted by Dan Renouf in neutral zone. Pass to Evan Rodrigues in Niagara IceDogs zone. Slapshot by Evan Rodrigues. Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Evan Rodrigues for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Evan Rodrigues intercepted by Brett Sutter. Pass to Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Taylor Fedun. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Evan Rodrigues. Pass to Kyle Rau. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Kyle Rau moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Lizotte in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass to Blake Lizotte.

Time : 5. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Blake Lizotte. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Guillaume Brisebois, Maxime Lajoie are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Taylor Fedun. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Brian Lashoff in neutral zone. Brian Lashoff moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Slapshot by Brian Lashoff. Shot Blocked by Maxime Lajoie. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Laurent Dauphin. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Guillaume Brisebois. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Gabriel Gagne. Gabriel Gagne moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gabriel Gagne. Puck retreived by Brett Sutter. Brett Sutter is hit by Tyler Benson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Gaetan Haas for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Guillaume Brisebois, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Gabriel Gagne. Wrist shot by Gabriel Gagne. Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyler Benson for Gwinnett Gladiators. Wrist shot by Tyler Benson. Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Justin Dowling in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Wrist shot by Stefan Noesen. Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Lizotte for Gwinnett Gladiators. Wrist shot by Blake Lizotte. Stopped by Michael Dipietro without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Dysin Mayo, Maxime Lajoie are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Chris Mueller is ejected from face-off, Matt Read takes his place. Alan Quine wins face-off versus Matt Read in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass by Alex Chiasson intercepted by Ryan Stanton.

Time : 6. Pass by Ryan Stanton intercepted by Maxime Lajoie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Maxime Lajoie. Puck retreived by Chris Mueller. Chris Mueller is hit by Alan Quine and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Eric Robinson for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Guillaume Brisebois, Maxime Lajoie are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alan Quine. Wrist shot by Alan Quine. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Guillaume Brisebois for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Guillaume Brisebois. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Stanton. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Ryan Stanton intercepted by Kenny Agostino in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kenny Agostino. Puck retreived by Ryan Stanton. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Ryan Stanton intercepted by Stefan Noesen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Stefan Noesen. Puck retreived by Justin Dowling. Justin Dowling is hit by Stefan Noesen and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Guillaume Brisebois for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Maxime Lajoie are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Guillaume Brisebois intercepted by Dalton Prout. Pass to Justin Dowling in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Justin Dowling. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Dan Renouf. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Dan Renouf intercepted by Steve Bernier in neutral zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Wrist shot by Laurent Dauphin. Deflect By Steve Bernier. Deflect By Evan Rodrigues. Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Dalton Prout for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Slapshot by Dalton Prout. Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Colin Campbell for Niagara IceDogs. Wrist shot by Colin Campbell. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brian Lashoff for Niagara IceDogs. Slapshot by Brian Lashoff. Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Alan Quine wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Alex Chiasson moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Alan Quine in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Alex Chiasson.

Time : 7. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alex Chiasson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Pass to Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Justin Dowling. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Justin Dowling. Puck retreived by Guillaume Brisebois. Guillaume Brisebois is hit by Justin Dowling and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Lizotte for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Stefan Noesen in neutral zone. Pass by Stefan Noesen intercepted by Brian Lashoff in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Stefan Noesen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Stefan Noesen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Maxime Lajoie are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Brian Lashoff. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Maxime Lajoie. Pass by Maxime Lajoie intercepted by Steve Bernier. Pass by Steve Bernier intercepted by Kyle Rau in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kyle Rau. Puck retreived by Taylor Fedun. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Kyle Rau in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kyle Rau. Puck retreived by Laurent Dauphin. Laurent Dauphin is hit by Riley Barber and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Steve Bernier for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Colin Campbell. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Laurent Dauphin. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Riley Barber. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alex Chiasson in neutral zone. Pass to Alan Quine in Niagara IceDogs zone. Wrist shot by Alan Quine. Goal by Alan Quine - Niagara IceDogs : 4 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 4. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Chris Mueller is ejected from face-off, Matt Read takes his place. Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Matt Read in neutral zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Stefan Noesen moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Blake Lizotte.

Time : 8. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Minor Penalty to Brian Lashoff for High sticking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Ryan Stanton, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Dan Renouf, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Ryan Stanton. Pass by Ryan Stanton intercepted by Kenny Agostino in neutral zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Stefan Noesen. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Ryan Stanton. Pass by Ryan Stanton intercepted by Alan Quine. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Maxime Lajoie, Guillaume Brisebois are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass to Alan Quine. Slapshot by Alan Quine. Goal by Alan Quine - Niagara IceDogs : 4 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 5. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Taylor Fedun moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Taylor Fedun loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brian Lashoff for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Blake Lizotte. Pass to Kenny Agostino in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Justin Dowling wins face-off versus Alan Quine in neutral zone. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Taylor Fedun. Puck retreived by Maxime Lajoie. Maxime Lajoie is hit by Justin Dowling and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dysin Mayo for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Dysin Mayo intercepted by Taylor Fedun in neutral zone.

Time : 9. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Maxime Lajoie in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Maxime Lajoie intercepted by Darren Archibald in neutral zone. Pass by Darren Archibald intercepted by Alex Chiasson. Pass by Alex Chiasson intercepted by Justin Dowling. Pass by Justin Dowling intercepted by Alex Chiasson in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alan Quine. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Evans. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. 10 Minutes Misconduct Penalty to Brandon Manning is over. Pass by Jake Evans intercepted by Dysin Mayo in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Stefan Noesen moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Stefan Noesen intercepted by Steven Kampfer. Pass to Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Chris Mueller moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Snap shot by Chris Mueller. Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Gabriel Bourque for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Chris Mueller. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Chris Mueller. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Brandon Manning. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Brandon Manning intercepted by Steven Kampfer in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Steven Kampfer. Puck retreived by Alex Chiasson. Alex Chiasson is hit by Justin Dowling and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Archibald for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Justin Dowling. Pass to Jake Evans. Pass to Justin Dowling. Pass to Taylor Fedun. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Taylor Fedun. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Eric Robinson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators.

Time : 10. Pass by Eric Robinson intercepted by Colin Campbell. Pass by Colin Campbell intercepted by Dan Renouf. Pass by Dan Renouf intercepted by Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Pass by Laurent Dauphin intercepted by Dan Renouf in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Brandon Manning. Pass by Brandon Manning intercepted by Colin Campbell in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Colin Campbell. Puck retreived by Kyle Rau. Kyle Rau is hit by Laurent Dauphin. Pass to Riley Barber in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Riley Barber. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Steve Bernier. Pass by Steve Bernier intercepted by Maxime Lajoie. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Maxime Lajoie intercepted by Steve Bernier. Pass by Steve Bernier intercepted by Kenny Agostino. Pass by Kenny Agostino intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in neutral zone. Pass to Colin Campbell in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Colin Campbell intercepted by Blake Lizotte. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Colin Campbell in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Colin Campbell intercepted by Gaetan Haas. Pass by Gaetan Haas intercepted by Brian Lashoff in neutral zone. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Dysin Mayo. Pass by Dysin Mayo intercepted by Steve Bernier in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Steve Bernier intercepted by Maxime Lajoie in neutral zone. Maxime Lajoie moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Maxime Lajoie is hit by Steve Bernier and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Colin Campbell for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Colin Campbell intercepted by Tyler Benson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Tyler Benson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro.

Time : 11. Pass to Colin Campbell. Pass by Colin Campbell intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Guillaume Brisebois intercepted by Steve Bernier. Pass to Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Taylor Fedun moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois. Pass by Guillaume Brisebois intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois. Pass by Guillaume Brisebois intercepted by Steve Bernier in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Steve Bernier intercepted by Evan Rodrigues in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Evan Rodrigues intercepted by Steve Bernier in neutral zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Snap shot by Laurent Dauphin. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Steve Bernier for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Steve Bernier intercepted by Evan Rodrigues. Pass to Riley Barber in neutral zone. Riley Barber moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Riley Barber. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Brian Lashoff. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Brandon Manning in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Brandon Manning. Puck retreived by Gabriel Bourque. Gabriel Bourque is hit by Dan Renouf. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Stefan Noesen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Stefan Noesen. Puck retreived by Brian Lashoff. Pass to Gabriel Bourque in neutral zone. Pass to Chris Mueller in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Gabriel Bourque. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs.

Time : 12. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Dan Renouf. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Tyler Benson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Tyler Benson. Puck retreived by Darren Archibald. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Darren Archibald intercepted by Gabriel Gagne in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gabriel Gagne. Puck retreived by Jake Evans. Pass to Justin Dowling. Pass to Darren Archibald in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Darren Archibald. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Tyler Benson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Tyler Benson intercepted by Ryan Stanton in neutral zone. Pass to Zach Senyshyn in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Snap shot by Zach Senyshyn. Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Anthony Angello for Niagara IceDogs. Wrist shot by Anthony Angello. Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Zach Senyshyn for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Snap shot by Zach Senyshyn. Goal by Zach Senyshyn - Niagara IceDogs : 5 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 5. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Chris Mueller is ejected from face-off, Gabriel Bourque takes his place. Gabriel Bourque wins face-off versus Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Pass to Chris Mueller. Pass to Gabriel Bourque in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Dysin Mayo. Pass by Dysin Mayo intercepted by Matt Read in neutral zone. Pass by Matt Read intercepted by Stefan Noesen in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Stefan Noesen intercepted by Steven Kampfer. Pass by Steven Kampfer intercepted by Dysin Mayo. Pass by Dysin Mayo intercepted by Dalton Prout in neutral zone. Pass by Dalton Prout intercepted by Blake Lizotte. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Blake Lizotte. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Dalton Prout. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Dalton Prout intercepted by Alex Chiasson. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alan Quine. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alex Chiasson.

Time : 13. Pass to Alan Quine. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Wrist shot by Alex Chiasson. Stopped by Michael Dipietro with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brandon Manning for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alan Quine. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alan Quine. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Bartkowski. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Icing by Matt Bartkowski. Kyle Rau is ejected from face-off, Riley Barber takes his place. Riley Barber wins face-off versus Anthony Angello in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Kyle Rau. Pass by Kyle Rau intercepted by Ryan Stanton. Pass by Ryan Stanton intercepted by Dysin Mayo in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Dysin Mayo. Puck retreived by Zach Senyshyn. Pass by Zach Senyshyn intercepted by Kyle Rau in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kyle Rau. Puck retreived by Ryan Stanton. Ryan Stanton is hit by Guillaume Brisebois and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kyle Rau for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Riley Barber. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Riley Barber. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Sutter. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Brett Sutter intercepted by Kenny Agostino. Pass by Kenny Agostino intercepted by Matt Bartkowski. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass by Gabriel Bourque intercepted by Stefan Noesen in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Lizotte in Niagara IceDogs zone. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Blake Lizotte. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Matt Read. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Eric Robinson stole the puck from Matt Read. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Alan Quine.

Time : 14. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Alan Quine intercepted by Jake Evans. Pass to Justin Dowling in neutral zone. Pass to Jake Evans in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Jake Evans. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Alex Chiasson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alex Chiasson. Puck retreived by Laurent Dauphin. Laurent Dauphin is hit by Gaetan Haas and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dalton Prout for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Dalton Prout intercepted by Gabriel Gagne in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gabriel Gagne. Puck retreived by Colin Campbell. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Colin Campbell intercepted by Maxime Lajoie in neutral zone. Pass by Maxime Lajoie intercepted by Steven Kampfer. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Steven Kampfer. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Tyler Benson. Pass to Gabriel Gagne in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Kyle Rau in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Evan Rodrigues. Pass to Kyle Rau. Pass to Riley Barber. Pass by Riley Barber intercepted by Zach Senyshyn. Pass by Zach Senyshyn intercepted by Dysin Mayo in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Dysin Mayo moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Dysin Mayo. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Matt Read. Pass to Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs.

Time : 15. Chris Mueller moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Justin Dowling. Pass by Justin Dowling intercepted by Dan Renouf. Pass to Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Pass by Blake Lizotte intercepted by Steven Kampfer in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Darren Archibald in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Darren Archibald. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Dan Renouf. Pass by Dan Renouf intercepted by Matt Read. Pass by Matt Read intercepted by Dan Renouf. Pass by Dan Renouf intercepted by Matt Read. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Snap shot by Gabriel Bourque. Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Chris Mueller wins face-off versus Alan Quine in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Matt Read. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Dan Renouf stole the puck from Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Alan Quine in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Alan Quine. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Gabriel Bourque. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Colin Campbell. Pass to Steve Bernier. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Laurent Dauphin moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Laurent Dauphin.

Time : 16. Puck retreived by Riley Barber. Pass by Riley Barber intercepted by Colin Campbell. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Laurent Dauphin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Brandon Manning. Pass by Brandon Manning intercepted by Jake Evans in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Jake Evans intercepted by Kenny Agostino in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen in neutral zone. Pass by Stefan Noesen intercepted by Jake Evans. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Jake Evans. Puck retreived by Dan Renouf. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Maxime Lajoie, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Dan Renouf intercepted by Darren Archibald in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Darren Archibald. Puck retreived by Maxime Lajoie. Pass to Blake Lizotte. Pass to Kenny Agostino in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Kenny Agostino. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Darren Archibald. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Matt Read in neutral zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Chris Mueller. Snap shot by Chris Mueller. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dalton Prout for Niagara IceDogs. Slapshot by Dalton Prout. Shot Blocked by Dysin Mayo. Free Puck Retrieved by Steven Kampfer for Niagara IceDogs. Wrist shot by Steven Kampfer. Shot Blocked by Eric Robinson. Free Puck Retrieved by Matt Read for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Matt Read. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Anthony Angello, Brett Sutter, Zach Senyshyn are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Alan Quine. Pass to Alex Chiasson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Gaetan Haas, Tyler Benson, Gabriel Gagne are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Alex Chiasson moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Gaetan Haas. Steven Kampfer stole the puck from Gaetan Haas.

Time : 17. Pass to Zach Senyshyn. Zach Senyshyn moves puck in neutral zone. Zach Senyshyn loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Gaetan Haas for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Tyler Benson in Niagara IceDogs zone. Snap shot by Tyler Benson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxime Lajoie for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Gaetan Haas. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Gaetan Haas. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Guillaume Brisebois are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Michael Dipietro. Pass to Steven Kampfer. Pass by Steven Kampfer intercepted by Stefan Noesen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Stefan Noesen. Puck retreived by Dalton Prout. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Matt Bartkowski, Ryan Stanton are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Brett Sutter in neutral zone. Brett Sutter moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Anthony Angello. Snap shot by Anthony Angello. Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Anthony Angello for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Zach Senyshyn. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Snap shot by Zach Senyshyn. Goal by Zach Senyshyn - Niagara IceDogs : 6 - Gwinnett Gladiators : 5. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Colin Campbell, Laurent Dauphin, Steve Bernier are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Alan Quine, Alex Chiasson, Eric Robinson are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Brandon Manning, Maxime Lajoie are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Alan Quine wins face-off versus Colin Campbell in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Chiasson. Pass by Alex Chiasson intercepted by Taylor Fedun in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass to Laurent Dauphin. Laurent Dauphin moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Colin Campbell in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Snap shot by Colin Campbell. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Colin Campbell for Niagara IceDogs. Snap shot by Colin Campbell. Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Taylor Fedun for Niagara IceDogs. Snap shot by Taylor Fedun. Shot Blocked by Brandon Manning. Free Puck Retrieved by Laurent Dauphin for Niagara IceDogs.

Time : 18. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Laurent Dauphin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck retreived by Brandon Manning. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass to Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Blake Lizotte. Puck retreived by Chris Mueller. Chris Mueller is hit by Brandon Manning and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Maxime Lajoie for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Guillaume Brisebois, Dysin Mayo are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Maxime Lajoie intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass to Taylor Fedun in neutral zone. Taylor Fedun moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Guillaume Brisebois. Pass to Blake Lizotte in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Blake Lizotte. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Kyle Rau, Evan Rodrigues, Riley Barber are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Free Puck Retrieved by Taylor Fedun. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Dowling, Darren Archibald, Jake Evans are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Steven Kampfer, Dalton Prout are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Taylor Fedun intercepted by Dysin Mayo in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Dysin Mayo. Puck retreived by Steven Kampfer. Steven Kampfer is hit by Guillaume Brisebois and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Guillaume Brisebois for Gwinnett Gladiators. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Dan Renouf, Brandon Manning are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Pass by Guillaume Brisebois intercepted by Dalton Prout. Pass to Justin Dowling. Pass to Jake Evans in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Jake Evans. Puck retreived by Jon Gillies. Pass to Riley Barber. Pass to Brandon Manning in neutral zone. Last Minute Offensive Line - Blake Lizotte, Kenny Agostino, Stefan Noesen are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Last Minute Defensive Line - Chris Mueller, Matt Read, Gabriel Bourque are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Brandon Manning. Puck retreived by Dalton Prout. Brian Lashoff, Taylor Fedun are on ice for Niagara IceDogs. Pass by Dalton Prout intercepted by Dan Renouf in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Niagara IceDogs zone by Dan Renouf. Puck retreived by Brian Lashoff. Brian Lashoff is hit by Blake Lizotte and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Chris Mueller for Niagara IceDogs. Chris Mueller moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 19. Chris Mueller moves puck in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Chris Mueller. Slapshot by Chris Mueller. Shot Blocked by Stefan Noesen. Free Puck Retrieved by Gabriel Bourque for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Chris Mueller. Pass to Gabriel Bourque. Pass to Chris Mueller. Snap shot by Chris Mueller. Stopped by Jon Gillies with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brian Lashoff for Niagara IceDogs. Snap shot by Brian Lashoff. Stopped by Jon Gillies without a rebound. Mike Kelly call a timeout for Gwinnett Gladiators. Maxime Lajoie, Alan Quine are on ice for Gwinnett Gladiators. Blake Lizotte wins face-off versus Chris Mueller in Gwinnett Gladiators zone. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Stefan Noesen moves puck in neutral zone. Stefan Noesen moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone. Gwinnett Gladiators, Jon Gillies is pulled from the net. Pass to Kenny Agostino. Pass by Kenny Agostino intercepted by Brian Lashoff. Pass by Brian Lashoff intercepted by Alan Quine. Pass to Stefan Noesen. Snap shot by Stefan Noesen. Shot Blocked by Gabriel Bourque. Free Puck Retrieved by Gabriel Bourque for Niagara IceDogs. Pass to Chris Mueller in neutral zone. Pass by Chris Mueller intercepted by Blake Lizotte. Pass to Kenny Agostino in Niagara IceDogs zone. Pass by Kenny Agostino intercepted by Chris Mueller. Pass to Gabriel Bourque in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Gwinnett Gladiators zone by Gabriel Bourque. Puck retreived by Kenny Agostino. Pass to Stefan Noesen in neutral zone. Stefan Noesen moves puck in Niagara IceDogs zone.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 3 for Niagara IceDogs vs 2 for Gwinnett Gladiators. Shots for this period are 14 for Niagara IceDogs vs 12 for Gwinnett Gladiators.